Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — HAWAII YACHT CLUB’S MOONLIGHT CRUISE [ARTICLE]

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THE DATE FIXED IS JANUARY 26. Armitage Trophy to be Offered for Competition—The Prince Cupid Yacht to Take Part in Race.) —Will Start on Saturday. Th" moonlight cruise of the Haw aii ( Yacht Club will take place on Sun- 1 day, January 26th. around the Ford I Island course. The trophy which was presented to the club some time' ago by H. W. Armitage will be offered for competition. Under the conditions imposed by the donor, the trophy has to be won , twice before it becomes the property of the yacht. The trophy consists of a section of a life buoy reproduced in regulation materials and fastened | on an oak panel. All the third class boats will be out i for the race with the possible exception of the Hihimanu. Pressure will be bronught to bear on Albert Water- j house to allow somebody to sail his boat for him as he cannot be present himself. A lively contest is expected to take place between the Princess and the Myrtle for the possession of the | trophy. The other boats which will take i part in the race are the Vi-kee. j Shamrock. Pirate, Oio and Skip Commodore Hobron calls for a large turnout for the occasion. The cruise will start on Saturday afternoon, Jan-1 nary 25th. from the regular moorings near the boat houses. ■