Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — ISLAND STEAMERS FOR OTHER PORTS [ARTICLE]

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BIG CROWD TO SEE THE KINAU Five Steamers Got Away Yesterday— Japanese Evangelist Causes Merriment by Preaching to the Crowd Many Passengers Leave Honolulu. Five island steamers and one schooner departing and the arrival of a deep water ship was the record of yesterday's shipping along the waterfront. The Wilder steamer, Kiuau. Captain Freeman, cast off her lines exactly at noon and left for Hilo and Hawaii ports with a large listof passengers. The usual big crowd had congregated on the Wilder's wharf.and seeing the many farewells exchanged, ’he hundreds of handkerchiefs agitated and the number ofwomen crying it seemed as if the Kinau was going to some far-away country. Much amusement was caused by a bright Oriental passenger, undoubtedly a Japanese, who had secured a megaphone and shouted verses of the Bible to the crowd assembled on the wharf. Follow me and you will be saved.” "I am the salvation and the life." "Come to Christ.” were phrases which succeeded each other from the lips of the Japanese evangelist. As the Kinau was rounding the Young Brothers' headquarters, a formidable God bless you" was transmitted over the waters by the sonorous megaphone \ prominent local missionary w.»s heard to make the following remark to w friend as they were leaving the wharf "1 think we shall have to stop sending evangelists to Japan, now that the up-to-date Orientals are ber,« expounding the Bible to us.” The gasoline schooner Rclipse got away at 3 o'clock for I.ahaina and was followed half an hour later by the James Makee for Hanamalu and Ahukinl. The steamers Claudine Mikahaia. N'oeau sailed promptly at 5 o'clock and had a lively race out of the harbor. All the island steamers carried large numbers of passengers and full general cargoes