Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CLASSIFIED IBTEITISEIENTS ('lajwtAed IkU coivmm i nil V iaecrted «l 10 onitt « U*# irti uufrlx*; 5 if»h • kw in»W iwr tv?«; 25 c#Ht* f#r hm* fir week; 3S on(i fir Urn* m mu, 50 ermSt ffr km* ffr kmU. LOST. LOST—Bishop Jk Co.’s Savings Bank Pass Book No, 1256. Fini-r will pit'aso return to Bishop « Co WANTED. WAXTLD—To w' l , Met doe white I*!»nsond ring*: also fine opal rings; reasonable price*. Watch*-* repaired om titue. l>. Diets, wati-h.rji.ker and j*-w--»Jer. Fort «t., aear Hotel, m PreecoU's store. \\ ANTED—Lifts to do laundry wort. Apply Sanitary Steam tjtmJry. tv* waiahao and South streets. Wanted —Two single geatlen. c desire rooms anl good tabl-> board, either in hou«e or cottag- a* I *' must not be far from business portion of oily. Expect to remain perxnan ally If satisfactory and rates reasonable. Address A. B. Republican Office. FOR RENT. A splendidly furnished room with excellent board for two g-title ta n. Centrally located, etrery o-r.ve-nience. Apply at this offiKi'R rent —v furnish seven (7> rooms on Kinau street For particulars, apply this office. ROOMS FOR RENT—Helen's Court Private Hotel, off Adams lane, near Elite Building Phone White 8461. H. M. Levy, manarer. TO LET—Delightful roomy bath rubs, with eith»r hot or cold water, and every improvement and convenience known to the modern age.—At Silent Barb-.- Shop. TO LET—Newly furnished doubt* parlors; also rooms, Beretania ave., cor. Keaumoku. FOR RENT—An eight room cotta** on Young street Apply J. A. Msgoon, Magoon bulldkg. COMFORTABLE COTTAGES ON th* premises of the Sanitary S:--am I aim dry Co. Ltd.. Martcion and South streets. The cottage* contain 4 room*, kitchen and l>ath room. No extra charge for hot and cold water and electric lights. Rent reasonable. Apply on the premises to J. Light toot, njanager. Til Bllill’|l gignooraphist (Successor to CHAS. SEYOONE.) IP-TO DATE Designing and Sliding. Advertising a Specialty. Office and Workshop: 1170 UNION STREET. buen Chong Co. Manufacturers of All Kinds cf BISCUITS, CRACKERS. HARO TACK. RICE HANDLED. —Large Importer* of— Flour. Groceries. Fruit and Vegetables. WHOLE c ALE AND RETAIL. 120 KING STREET. P. 0. Bo* 972. Phone. White 801. H HYMT BUT THE BEST? it COSTS NO MORE 3 ry Eureka w»ckless Blue Flame OIL STOVES hold Wtta aOcaraata* Kercsene and Baseline Wickless Steves —FOR SALE AT THE— Hawaiian Hardware Co. ltd FORT STREET. . ♦ Business men will tell you ♦ ♦ that an ad hi TVe Republic- « j ♦ aa brings good rwrrtts be- ♦