Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — ROYAL STEAMER MOANA ARRIVES FROM SYDNEY [ARTICLE]

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Moana Ha* a Very Good Passage. Purser Berdall Reports Warm Weather at Sydney—Moana W.ll Sail for Victoria at Noon Today. The Royal Mai! st-'amer Moana. j Captain M. Carey, arrived off port i shortly after C o'clock last evening j iind dock-J at the Quarantine wharf at 8 p. m. Moana K-ft S ■ y December I j 3<”.h and Brisbane on January* 3rd. j Purser B. B. B-ndail reports a good j pa*sag~ over, with fine weather and iight wind*. When the Moana left ! Sy -iney the heat was '.insupportable j j and the th.-rmometer registered 104 j 1 degrees. The passengers wc - clad , wh*-n they arrived on the Pacific j ; zone where cooling breezes refresaed i the warmth of the tropical sun. | The Moana carries but few ! gers. among whom are three for Ho- j nohilu Mr Stephen N. Jones, in th* i first class cabin; Joseph Hargrave*, in the second and James Stewart in the steerage. She brings 300 oases of gin and 1 case of saddles for Hono- * lulu. The Moana will sail for Vancouver j at noon today. Besides the people stopping at Honolulu. the Moana carries the following through passengers; For Vancouver —First saloon: Dr. E. E. Hyde and wife. Messrs. F. W. Flanagan. H. de Pencier Stanford and wife. Second saloon; Mr. A. Chandler and wife, Mrs. Sorensen. Mrs. Utley, Miss Crawford, Miss Dinoen. Messrs. T. Rex, J. E. Gibbs. J. A. Cullen. Steerage; Mr. and Mrs. Williams and infant. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and child: Messrs. Chas. Clarke. Edward ! Lee. * ~, NOTICE. The Longshoremen's 1-abor Union Club wiil hold a meeting at the Drill Shed at 7:30 p. m.. for the election of new officer* and the transacting of general business. H. KAUWAHI. Acting Secretary.