Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — BANK OF HAWAII. [ARTICLE]

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Annual Meeting Yesterday and Ofb cers for Ensuing Year Elected. Yesterday was a day of annual meetings for sev ral of the local ha.ik-i. Officers f>r the ensuing year , wore elected at the annua! meeting of the Bank of Hawaii, at the banking rooms in the Judd building yesterday morning. Th *#e chosen at the me- ting were as follows; President. Chas. M O' ke: vice president. P C. Jones; ashler. C. H. Cooke; assistant cashier. P. C. Atherton. The board of directors will consist of the officer* and the following: H Wat-rhouse. E, D. Tenney. J a, McCandless. F W. Macfarlane and C- H. Atherton j Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Shaw of Chi | i ago nave just sailed far southern Europe, where they will start upon th** most exten* ; ve automobile trip ♦ ver undertaken. Including a Journey • through northern Africa in a new •ntomobite now being constructed for *htm in Riris. The tear will cover more than S,b*K> miles.