Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — ANOTHER CROWDED ORPHEUM HOUSE [ARTICLE]

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FIRST NIGHTERS ATTEND AGAIN Favorites of the C-impanv WeP Established With Honolulu Audi ence—Change of Bill Tomorrow Night and Matinee o* Saturday. The second iiou- o;' th - Wo dV Ent rtainer# was »-qua;i) a# la ce an i enthusiastic as the first. Many of the first nighters, indeed, again ec(tipied their seats and appreciate d in double measure the performance. without the strain of n«-w whimsica'.ities breaking out afresh every minute. The Casinos again captured the. hoes.* as did Flat: and Sutherland. Arras and Alice, the St Or.?- * Salerno and Bunth and Rudd. Not that the other acts lacked th-lr meed of applause, but the humor of the house : an< d esp* cially these art lets. There will be a change of bill on Thursday night when many of the principals will make a complete change. Professor Powell has a fl#h pole act that is said to he inexplira hie. A bargain matinee ss also announced for Saturday afternoon. The program is throughout even superior to the first of l-«v and Real*? companies and will undoubtedly' score a great success in Australia betides filling the Orpheum every evening during the engagement here.