Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS [ARTICLE]

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The following transaction? ;ti real estate have been recorded; J. Q*-alobakni and »;:• to S M. Dai: u; dt-ed; Interest in R. P. 255«. Kill. I!interest in R. P. *>>32. Kui. . ■- ■2' Moanalua Honolulu. Oahu ss*><V i L’ook 229. page Sit*. Dated Dccemb r i 16. 1901. G- ar, £ Company to M. , Ferreira; deed; lot 3. block 11. Kai- ! muki tra< t. Honolulu. Oahu; $4OO. Book 229. page 320. Dated January 29, 1901. Recorded January 2. 1901. Pacific Sugar Mill to W. Kekua; release: interest in Grants ISB2 and 1883. Hanapai and Niupaka. Hamakua. Hawaii; $135. Book 180, pag? 203. Dated Decemb°r 30, 1901. A. P. Pedro to Yee Sing Company; i kase; portion R. P. 4526. Mahele IS. ! piece land. Waiau. Ewa. Oalm: t* u years at $lOO. Book 233, page U. Dated June 20, 1901. A. K. Cunha and husband to Hon >- 1 iulu Iron Works Company; lease; per tion Ap. 1, R. P. 1080. near Que n street. Honolulu. Oahu: twenty yea s at 22.50 per month. Book 233. pag - 16. Dated March 2. 1897. H. C. Ulii to Wing Wo Tai & Company; leas*'; R. P. 379, Kul. 5651 H. Ap. 1. Waikane. Kodaupoko, Oahu; i ten years at $lOO. Book 233. page 12, Dated December 10. 1901. E. Macfarlane to H. C. Ulii; consent to lease of R. P. 379. Kul. 5658. Ap. 1. Waikane, Koolaupoko. Oahu. ! Book 233, page 14. Dated December 10. 1901. H. A. Keen to Sang Hop Wai Company; assignment of lease; three leaseholds, Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu;. $BOOO. Book 228, page 120. Dated December 30. 1901. F. E. Hobron to E. V. Harrison: i deed: portion R. P. 297. Kul. 115. near Alakea street. Honolulu. Oahu:’ $5OOO. Book 231. page 122. Dat d December 30, 1901. Koauhulihia to Waianae Company: iieed; R. I’. 4909. Kul. 3096. Wail le. Waianae. Oahu; $6OO. Book 231. page 123. Dated December 31. 1901. S. K Kuikahj and wife to D. Forbes; deed; R. P. 7365, Kul. 1291., Puopaba, Hamakua. Hawaii: $44<V Book 231. page 124. Dated December 17. 19*11. H. Muyamoto to S. I. Shaw; chattel mortgage; leasehold, near corner Kukui and Nuuanu streete. Honolulu. 1 Oahu: s7**o. Book 230. pag 167. : Dated October 4. 1901. S. Spencer et al to H Armitage. deed: R. P. 2674. Pouhuluhuhi, Honolulu. Oahu: $2500. Book 231. page 125. Dated August 10. 1901. / W. M, Minton and wife to A V. Gear; deed: portion lot 25. Paw&a, tract. Honolulu. Oahu: $l. Book 234. i page 1. Dated December 30. 1901. I W. M. Minton to A- s’. Gear; deed; lot 29. block 7. Kewalo tract. Honoi lulu. Oahu; $l. Book 234. page 2. Hated December 30. 1901. Q , A. V. Gear to Jane Minton; deed; 'ot 29. block 7. Kewalo tract. Houo-,; lulu. Oahu; $l. Book 234. pag 3 Dated December 30. 1901. Recorded January 3. 1902. M. Joseph and wife to Mars. A. * 'Horner; deed: lot 1. block C. Villa Franca. Hilo, Hawaii: $3OO. Book ?34. page 4. Dated October 12. 1899. Estate D. Kaula to T. May; deed; one half interest in R. P. 25000. Kealakaha. Hamakua. Hawaii; s2o7*\ p*»k 234. page 6. Dated November 29. 1901. Waikiki B-aoh C< mpany. Limited to F. Wundenberg; Fore. Entry; Wai-* kiki inn premises. Waikiki. Honolulu. Oahu. Book 230. page 169. Dated December 12. 1901. Recorded January 4. 1902. L. L. McCandless to Mrs. M. K» pola; deed; piece land Waiana**. Ewa. Oahu; $l. Book 229. page 231. Dated December 28. 1901. First American Savings & Trust Company of Hawaii. Limited, to Palolo Land & Improvement Company. Limited: partials release; lots 9 and 10. block 101. Palolo tract. Honolulu. Oahu: 1500. Book 230. page 170. Dated January 4. 1902. Palolo I.and & Improvement Com | pany. Limited, to M. Madeca Jr.: • ‘ deed; lot 10, block 101. Palolo tract, t Honolulu. Oahu: $5OO. Book 229. 1 page 322. Dated January 4. 1902. »; Recorded January 8. 1902 . j Perry Pearce to E. K. Kaaua: deed; one-half interest in autty-five j ■ acres land. Faunoi , Hilo. Hawaii;

$> >*. Book 2*l page 120 Dated i December 25. 1901. E X Fake (alia? Kaauai to Kamaiiiwafcine: deed; interest is thirty acres land. Putin i. Hilo. Hawaii; 15. Book 531. pag- 13‘). Dated De -emb-r 3*. 19*1. Kama! to E X Pak*- «alias Kasai': 4eei; int 'rest ;b thirty five acre# land Piano; Hilo. Hawaii;ss. Book 231. page 131. Date,! December 50. ISO!. Charles Williams to Geraldo 3 Ferreira, mortgage: Patents ' and 4249. Kiachuh: HamaktJS. Hawaii. 4»-' Be-.’k 21 - pa c • I- Dated Ds ember 5. ISvi L. M Lonoh wa to Kepola Camp bell; deed; one-f.’-urth interest in R. P. T!S<>. Kul. 10174. Kohalalele. one- : fourth toterrat la R P 7191. Kol *?7058. Kaohe Hamakua. Hawaii: $ e Book 251. page 12S. Dated Decemb r 14. J. de L;Ki to Carlos R d? 5 uxa deed; three acres land. Kaupakulua I Hamakuaioa Ma $ Bo k 231 j page 129. Da*ed December 23. 1901 T. K. Laiakea and wife to Jahn Fitzg-rald. rn^rteag' 3 ; onehaif acre land. Hilo. Hawaii; s!24i>. Book 232. page 19. Dated December 13. 1901. Joseph Kaa-tbau to M. Smith, mortsag . t-v .acre.-j lard, Waikamalo. North H ;•>. Haw i ; ; $267 B.>ok 232. page 21 Dat d Det—mber 26. 1901. Aug'!-; Item and wif. to A. Zim mermann; mor-gage: Patent 4313. Olaa. Puna. Hawaii; B ok 232. page 21. Dated Decemb«-r 28. 1901. W. G Scott and wife to First National Bank of Wailuku: mortgage; piece laud. Mark t stmt extension. Wailuku. Maui: SIOOO. Book 232. page 23. Daoted January 1, 1902. See Sing Wai Company; copartnership deed; rice planters, etc.. Waiiua. Kauai: capital $12,000, 10 years. Book 224. page 459. Dated December 5. 1901. Honolulu Tobacco Company. Limited. to So- Hop Company, lease; store ami yard. Fort street, Honolulu. Oa hu; eight years at $125 per month. Book 228. page 426, Dated December 13. 1901. Heirs of Kapu; affidavit; in re own--1 ership of R. P. 1730. Kul. 729. Honolulu. Oahu. Book 224. page 4sl. Dat- } ed January 6. 1901. L. K Kentwell to Wong Che; as 1 -ignment of lease; portion building, F it str* Honolulu. Oahu: $110". Book 228. pac 428. Dat d September 6, 1901. Recorded January 7. 1902. M. Auld and husband to Mary La-1 as; additional charge; Aps. 4 and 5. R. U. 603. R. P. 32 40. Kalihi-kai. Hole lulu, Oahu: Bonk 230. pag : 171. ItateJ December 7. 1901. Keawe to Shomatsu Handa: b-ase: } R. P. 266. Kul. 4}!5. Kaaawa. Koolau 1 ’oa. Oahu: ten years at $25. Book ' ,228. page 420. Dated January 6, j 19" 2. Chong Jo to T-eong Chew; assignment of lease; four acres land. Kawaipapa. Har.a, Maui: SIOO. Book . 228, pag*' 43". Dat'd December 26. 1901. R. V. Rodrigues and husband to Portuguese Mutual Benefit SocUty; mortgage; portion Grant 3400. Kulaokahua. Honolulu. Oahu; SISOO. Book 230. page 176. Dated De< mber 12. 1901. San Ant; nio Portuguese Btlnefit Society to J. C. Oliveira; release: lot | , 3. block 6. Kewalo tract. Honolulu, j Oahu: SSOO. Book 215. page 235. Dated December 31. 1901. Estate B. P. Bishop to J. Gasper; | lease: portions Mahele Award 32. Kahauloa 2. South Kona. Hawaii: 21 years at $225. Book 228, page 431. Dated November 1. 1901. Western & Hawaiian Investment Company to Peter Born; release; R. P. 1668. Pahoehoe, Kona. Hawaii: s3*«i. Book 160. pag.* 257, Dated December 20. 1901.