Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — CASES BEFORE THE COURTS [ARTICLE]

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PLENTY OF HEW LITIGATION FIRST CIRCUIT COURT HAS HEAVY CALENDAR FOR FEBRUARY TERM. CtvreSe Want C. Boite Ar*e*ted But Judge Humphreys Decl’cej to Supersede Wiico*—K:r.ney Conrplains That He Was Not Notified of Dunne’s Application. Th-- Supreme Coen was occupied al! day yesterday with tb* 3 case of ■th. Kapiolan: Estate. Limited. agan- - A S Cb-ghcrn. Th> matter was ar gu- 1 and submitted and today th cas* f Jonathan Shaw against C, W. Booth, exceptions from Circuit Court First Circuit. Robertson &. Wilder j fur plaintiff and J. A. Magoon for de- ■ fendant-appcilaat. will b commeno- ! ed. New Cases Filed. I Cares Sled on return of summons ! yesterday were as follows; j Action to quiet title in land at Ma jnoa; Frank Godfrey against John i Kid well. Plaintiff claims that on : March 8. 181*'•. defendant obtained a deed of the property from Emma M' tcalf Ikaika hy wrongful methods. J O Caner. »>t al.. trustees of the | Bi>hop Estate, against Luiia (w.). i ejectment frum land at Kawanana . koa; plaintiff' claim damages for wrongful possession. I-ahela Kuaiwa against Kuaiwa. libel for divorce on the grounds of j cruelty and intemperance, j F. Lombard against A. M. Brown. I former marshal and present high sheriff, action for s.’ooo for false arrest. On account of said arrest plaintiff declares that he has suffered and that his reputation and profession as a teacher of languages have been j damaged to the extent of $2OOO. There were five arrests and the plaintiff states the history of each. He also speaks of the refusal of i Judge Perry to allow him to bring suit for damages without costs on ac count of poverty. The plaintiff says that while he was in a weak condition. Messrs. Vos , siou and Schaefer. French and Italian | consuls, called on him and induced I him to accept s2'"b which offer he I was unable to refuse on account of 1 his distinction. The Divorce Mill. John Dcgrcaves brings suit for di-, vorce from his wife, Caroline Degreaves, alleging unlawful conduct. Beke Ah Sing asks for divorce j from Akai Siug. alleging non-support. Sh- believes, she says, that her husband is a loafer and a vagrant, with out any employment. The woman says h« r husband has never contributed to her support. William H. Wright against John K Gandall. assumpsit, claim for $2.403.60 with interest from May 31 1001. Indebtedness for money expendj ed by plaintiff for the use of defend- ; ant. M. L. Smith against the Honolulu Stock Yards Company, in assumpsit, claim for s+soo for building February Calendar. There are alreadv 275 cases enter i ed on the calendar of the February term of the Circuit Court. First Circuit. as follows: Criminal. 25; civil jury, 2"2; jury waived, 22; and divorce. 2i>. Bt fore the calendar is closed it is expected that there will be other cases added. Wanted Boite Arrested. A number of Chinese appeared before Judge Humphreys in chambers yesterday morning, asking for the arrest of C. Boite on a charge of assault and battery. Judge Humphreys refused to take jurisdiction in the matter, holding that it was a case for Judge Wilcox. In the Federal Court. In the United States District Court yesterday morning Attorney Bigelow, of counsel for the Bishop Estate, in timated that there was some objection to the order of the Court on Saturday last putting the Government In po.-sessicn of the land condemned In th suit against the Bishop Estate. 4 Judge Estec consented to hear more in the matter today. Pursuant to the order of Judge Estee. placing the United States in immediate possession of the land, subject to existing leases. United States District Alt*rnev Dunne paid ovtr to Chi-f CI- 3 rk Mating $52,737 for the 561.2 acres of Pear! Harbor lacd of the Bishop Estate. Attorney W. A. Kinney, of counsel for the Bishop Estate, declared that h had received co notice that the Government was go’ng to ask for such an order as was made by Judge Estee on Saturday District Attorney Dunne applied for and obtained th* order under sec- . tion 1559 of the civil code. Mr. ’ Dunne says that there is nothing in the statute requiring the giving of : such notice as is spoken of by Mr. Kinney. “The money ?« here.” said Judge Estec. and will draw interval. The Bishop Estate can take it cr refuse it. The Court signed the order because under the Jaw it was the only proper thing to do." Various Court Notes, A demurrer hte been filed in the of S. C. Allen against T. R. ! Lucas, et al.. foreclosure. Henry Smith has filed a action to

amend his '■omplaint against Mary \ S Hos* and Sanford B Dole, at ( error having been made in me dee . cripticn of the property in the orig - isal complaint. it is said that the additional tes tliL Bj in the Kamalo case will b*= I heard by Judge Humphreys daring the present vacation. Monday. February IT, has be-a * for hearing petiti.n of Paikai for pr> ate of the w:l! of J. W Keaiakaa. Ju ii: Humphreys has made an orI- - allowing Louisa Kaaioa. guardian of ,-r two m:aor childr-n. to t sp nd $5" for their support and education. * An order has also been made bv . J: is- Humphry* dire- :;ns J S Wa k r. admini-trat r of the estate 1 f J C Strow. deceased, to pay and i-iiv r into court ail moneys and property of the estate. Franz Christian Wilhelm Bu i ■ h«;ilz. a German, was yesterday adm it- ■ t. Unite i Star-- cim* nship United State- Jude- Estee. Accounts of Marshal Hendry. Chief Clerk Maimg and Referee Fleminc were yesterday approved by Unit-d States ju-.igv Est *e.