Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Second Great Clearance Sale Thi? week wr shati throw oar entire stock of LADIES' WASHABLE SKIRTS on oar counter*, to be sold at cos; or less. We do not believe ti.vt ted our Muslin Underwear Safe '.is: - - appoints in »h*' bargains offerc : or cag say that the Sale d-d ne; carry oot the promises made in our advertisements We give you oar wort that the values offered this *e'k will N' e*iua!ly as grvat and that this is an opportunity not to be passed by. These Skirts are nr sk dan tailors and weil made and trim a-. •: They are of Crash. KhaK.. Denion Duck Linen .if, 1 Pi 1 • and are bota white and colored. They ar** <s'Ul -• cheaply ;h *t * cannot afford to Bake alterations on Skirts bom' bat there is a great variety of sir- - aa«i length' and alm.'>: ever one can he fitted Prices begin at S 3 cents an ! e > tv * > with ait prices bef»-*r the greatest barea ns, however, b. ms: betw.—n and I.’ ■>•■ SILK PETTICOATS. Wt shall put in with this Sa’ a a Pure S-k Co ;*ti Petticoats, whit hwe have mark .■>• exact cost. Th- - ar- oni . * limit’ll number of them and the: will pn-hahiy all N ,->'j a th-' first d»." of the Sale—hence t. tter ■ WHITNEY & MARSH, LTD, ;mTnirmmmimxiiiiinnmnrmnntTtTTrr> A boy once wrote; “I luv a rooster for tew thlngs~ans ii the krow that li in him. and the other is the spars that air on him to bak up his crow with.” • » • We admit having crowed often and loud, but we have the "spurs to back up the krow ” • • • We sell pur and whol 'Ome Groceries. SI M M » m ** M A M H k M K 8 H M H H H. MAY & CO., Ltd, Fort Street. H H W M H X X X Telephones, 22, 24, 92. P. O. Box 3St*. tTmimmirngnnrnmimmiiiiniiii YOU ENJOY IY; YOU NEED IT, TOO. PRIMO LAGER lias all the wonderful tonie properties of pure hops and malt. Absolutely pure and properly aged. Order a trial case from the Brewery. TELEPHONE MAIN 341. DELIVERED FREE IN CITY The Drawing Room Of one’s house betrays whatever refinement and good taste there is in its adornment to the casual visitor. A VISIT to our store will convince any one of the excellence of our stock and the reasonableness ol our prices. S H. Williams, 1 146-1 148 FORT STREET. Union” Gas Engines STATIONARY MARINE^** Agents von Hamm-Young Co.,Ltd. QTTTrerM S r T r &JEZET. •TELEPHONE, MAIN 276.

Ladies' Underwear SCUTS aid 6IEI!SES Made to Order and Kept In dtock DRESSMAKING! I Good Fit Ooanateed. B-r«t Workman ihlp. Low«*t Price*. LI CUM avenus • vUltf y.,,- ’I SEATTLE BEERIi On Dranght or in Bo*. < r CRITER’^w I

M. fi. IRWIN I CO., Hi 090 Wm. G. Irwin. .President t Xiurr 1 Ctnos Spreckels. .First Vlc« Resident W. M Giffnrd..Second Vlc« H. M Whitney, Jr.,.Trens. nad Soc'j 000 Sugar Factors ~ANI>- ► Commission Agents, 000 AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic S. S. Co. f ! Of Ann Pranclfeo. Cni.