Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — STRANGERS’ FRIEND SOCIETY MEETING [ARTICLE]

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i ■ GOOD WORK DURING QUARTER Mrs. Wrr. G. l-w-ri ar-d Hor*. Charles R. B shop ErdovM Beds in Queen’s Hospital Where Upwards of Forty Patients are Treated. Th» regular quarterly meeting of th r Stranger- Fri-nd So* iety was j held yesterday morning in the parlor- of »he V M. C A. Since the last i meet-'ng $2.22‘‘ havi been disbursed !in charity. From the minutes of th f annual meeting it was found that Hon. Charles R. Bishop had endowed four beds in thr Queen's Hospital for I the Friendless Society, and during (the year th- y had been successfully (occupied by thirty different patients, i Mrs Wm. €. Irwin cad also given a | bed to th- S - iity and this ua*l cared ; for eleven patients. Mrs. Irwin had also presented the Society with $5OO. Mrs. Lewison had given $250. to be invested for the benefi’ of th- Stir it ty. > Several n edy famili* s had been, j and are now being, entirely or partly j supp- rted by the Society, and pas--1 sag-s have been procured for desti- . tut- persons wishing to return to friends on the mainland. Provisions |or v okly rations were given to many families; house r-nts had been paid in many instances ;two orphan chili dren had been paid for in the Castle j Home r.nd a great deal of good was I done for transient eases through the ' monthly allowance given Mrs, Berger I manager of the Associated Charities. ; A vote of thanks was unanimously •'tt* rided to those who had made ( donations.