Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — HOLD-UP MEN RUN TO REEF [ARTICLE]
PORTO RICANS ARE PUNISHED JUDGE WILCOX POLITELY BUT FIRMLY DECLINES TO PASS ON TITLE. Hicktry Hoe Handle Used as an Argument in Ordering Man Oft Rice Patch—Possession of Dangerous St-!etto Results Jn Two Months cn the Reef. 'Vh'n I.udi Wo Sing, a Chinese !• of a patch of rice land at Waikiki. owned by Mrs. Lizzie Hainan*, employed a -well seasoned hoe handle in driving Tam Pong from the prem -1 failed to count upon th-; attendant trouble the art would bring to his dcor. The greater part of yesterday's t.r< idings in the police court were d<-v t.-d to th»* inravelling of technical points concerning the rightful po--cs-ion of the tract of land in qin -tu.n. In the opinion of the defer,-»• the determining of the right of title bad much to do with ascerfa ning the guilt or innocence of the d< fendant. After his encounter in the rice fi' id Tam Pong immediately swore out a warrant for the arrest of Lum Wo Sing upon a charge of assault and batt ry. J A Magoon assisted in the prosecution, while the defendant's case was looked after by Attorney* Kinney and Wilder. Judge Wilcox Determined. Judge Wllei x politely but firmly notified loth prosecution and the de fense that his court could not be u-’d to det* rmine the title to the T l l'- >i" rty hearing long drawn • ut fe-t mony from both sides Lum Wo Sing was committed to the Circuit Ci urt for trial. The trouble emanated from an expir'd land base held by Lum, and which ran out January Ist. A renewal was made out to Tam Pong. It was when the latter attempted to maki same repairs about his newly acquired premise* that he met with str-nuous opposition fr un Lum. Th>former tenant insisted that he was still in possession of the property, and ordered the n- w lessee off the grounds Taw Po;ig ob yed the man da?» but not with as much haste as Lum desired, and to accelerate his flight Lum was alleged to have be- ■ abort .1 the interloper with a hickory ho- hand!-', The case wore well along tp a late hour in the afternoon before a decision was given. Hold-Up Men To the Reef. Porto Ricans who assum- d new roles in the prevailing epidemic of petty depredations received a stiff -rnlt nee yesterday. Joe Castro ami Manuel Sava, arrested by Officer Devauchelle for an attempted hold up of Hackman Makacna. were found guilty and Castro was sentenced to six months on the reef His partner Sava was given half that time for penal servitude. Nine Chinese brought to the police station on Saturday evening in a Chillingworth raid, and charged with gambling, were released on a nolle pros The Orientals fortified them Ives by employing Attorney Mon War Haute was com nr tied for trial a* the next term of the Circuit Court He was charged with assault and battery on H. Ryan Dangerous Looking Stiletto. J V Branco was released from the barge of assault upon Maria Vlerra. \ntone Delgado, a Porto Riean. barged with vagrancy, established bis close affiliation with hard work in ■ nirt yesterday and was discharged. \ntone claimed tie was earning his livelihood by polishing shoes. I'pon the .barge of carrying a concealed weapon and pulling a dangerous look •pg stiletto upon Officer McCauley when arrested, Delgado was given a two months’ sentence at the reef. One case of drunkenness graced the docket. Paul Becker admitted his guilt- He was fined and costs.