Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — VANDERBILT FORTUNE. [ARTICLE]
Reginald C. Gets $12,500,000 as a Starter in Life. ( hicago Record Herald. Reginald C. Vanderbilt, the youngest *on of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt, has come into his inheritance of $7.500.000. This occurred on his twentyfirst birthday, and under the terms of his father's will this sum was legally put into his possession as a birthday gift. The young man is now worth in his own right, with power to do as he sees fit. the vast sura of $12,500,000. as he was one of the four beneficiaries of a $20,000,000 trust fund w hich his father left for the b- neflt of his children. "Reggie," as he is called, came down from New Haven, where he is a senior at Yale, in order to take possession of his fortune. Should his older brother Alfred die without heirs, of which there is no greet likelihood at presunt. Reginald would fall heir to the headship of the Vanderbilt house and a fortune of $50,006,000. He is said to he desirous of mar- ; ryiag Miss Kathleen Xeilson. who is a Roman Catholic. The Vanderbilts are Episcopalians and the match has been objected to for this reason. All the Vanderbilt boys have married young, however, and they have been quite disposed to pick their own choice, so that there ere a good many prophecies that Reginald will have his way if Miss Neilson offers no ob jectlon.