Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. H. BARI STAR BLOCK 1290 Fort Street, Near Kiukui S P. 0. BOX 50. METAL ROOFIN< GALVANIZED IRON SKYLIC AND VENTILATORS, PIPE AND GUTTER WOK Jebbieg asd Sipairieg Pntptiy ittaii HONOLULU. H. T. f. J. RfSMXL I I W RUSSELL I VilSOi ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEL AT-LAW. Magoon Building. Cor. Merchant and Aiakea St! Phone Main 3 John A. Hassingei NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to Grant Marriage License* —Removed to the — Offices of Macfarlane * Co KAAHUMANC STREET. R. Susumagt PHOTOGRAPHER. Fine Cabinet Phctos Only |3.5C Dozer. Cor. of Maunakea and King THOMAS LINDSAY Maniifiidiirin*: Jewe And Watchmakei 530 FORT STI J. W. A. Redhou Watch and Chronometer Mak Plain and complicated watch wo specialty. Campbell Block Merchant S Opposite Republican Office. JUDD & CO. Li REAL ESTATE AGEN and STOCK BROKERS. 307 Stangenwaid Building —:• —Phone 223 f ALBERT KALLWEI NICE . CIGAR . STAN Adjoining Hotel Stables. Tobaccos of All Kinds. Cool Drinks On HOTEL STREET, Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. ALBERT BERNDT FIRST CLASS TAILOR. CLOTHES MADE TO OR Cleaned and Pressed, HOTEL STREET. Adjoining Hotel Stables —Opp Hawaiian Hotel. French V Laund s<r., Cor. ■ .f Herr tan la Ave. siul Pnnchb" v All Work Done by Ha Lacs Curtains, Silk and Clove Cleaning a Specialty. AISADIE & C< Metropolitan Meat Co., ♦ 108 KING STREBI G J. WALLER, ... Hans Wholesale and Retail BUTCHERS and NAVY CONTRACT© DR. W. R. BOGS CHIROFODI/T. Boom 18.—Artingtos Building CORNS AND INGROWING TOE NAILS EXTRACTED THE EAGLE SALOI 080. J. CAVANAUGH. Prop'r “ PSUHO BSBH