Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — NO BIDDERS FOR KING STREET LAND [ARTICLE]

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AUCTION SALE WAS POSTPONED. Public Indifferent to Corner at King and Kekaulike Streets and Failed to Cover Upset Price of Twenty Thousand Dollars. Tlie lot located on the corner of King and Kekaulike streets, which was to have been sold at public auction yesterday, by Will Fisher, remain* unsold owing to the indifference of prospective bidders, who failed to offer an amount which would cover the upset price of $20,000. The lot fronts 00 feet on King street and 110 feet on Kekaulike street, and withal is considered a very desirable piece of property. An able presentation of the merits of the property, by the aid of Col. Fisher’s dulcet voice availed nothing, and after a brief period, in which the auctioneer and his silver toned bell vied with each other in disturbing the quietude of the noon hour, the selling of the land at public auction was deferred until a more propitious date.