Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — EXECUTIVE APPROVES LAND PROPOSITIONS [ARTICLE]
Kona Kau Railrrad Con party's B'd fot Land 1* Raised—Burhholt Will Get Kona Land fc-r Private Agricultural Sta'.’on. At .» meeting !• i...*-:» Oev rar lk>;« and the heads of the Territorial departments in th Capitol yesterday - morning a draft of water li*-ense for 1 t,:e Nahlku lands on Maui was suls 1 mitud by Commissioner E S Boyd and approved. The license wil be pm up at auction Ar application was read from , Frank Buchholtx for the land of Papa I. Kona. Hawaii, to be put up at auction BuchholU wants the land for an agricultural experiment station, to 1 be i:s<*d for his own purposes It is 1 said that the request is favorably ’ thought of and that it will be granted. Commissioner Boyd also asked the 1 approval of the meeting for the open- ] ing of Kaauhuhu lots under the ( homestead lease act. and Kaapahu lots under the right of purchase lease. These propositions were approved, and a- soon a« th*> necessary have been completed the lands in 1 a question will be opened. j An application of the Kona Kau rail- > road Company for a peninstJa at Jia- t
poopoo; that it be put up at auction for an upset price of $lO per acre, was considered, the meeting deciding Ito reserve th*> water frontage and make the upset price of the remainder $5O an ai-te. Superintendent of* Public Works J. H. Boyd, read reports from Assistant Superintendent of Public Works Mansion Campbell, on the condition i : roads in Hawaii and on the powder r igazine which was complained of :« ntly as being dangerously near «. tain school houses. Applications of John Cockett. for a light wine and beer license at Koioa. Kauai, and J. Wright, for' a license at Heeia. were approved.