Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — REPENTANCE AND TEARS [ARTICLE]

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FORGIVING WIFE PLEADS HIS CAUSE PORTO RICANS CONTINUE TO APPEAR WITH GREAT FREQUENCY. Bunch of Chinese Gamblers Deny the Soft Impeachment and Throw Down the Gauntlet —Few Jags Adorn Mourner's Beach —Bone Shaking Luau and Its Dangers. K relenting and forgiv ns wife sav < I Antoni' Cambra fr*>m recaivlag the full i \i. nt of tui* p unity g. neraiI\ extended to husbands who so far forir t themselves as to rule their households with a bod slat Cambra was charged with assault and battery by his wife, who claimed rhat her husband arrived at his vino and tic tree on Saturday much under rh<‘ influent c of an overload of mixt\l liquids Mrs. Cambra had scent • d troubb from afir, and once sight ing Cambra had alt* mpted to flee front Impending and befuddled wrath. In this she was not successful but conn»olU*d to remain while her spouse conducted himself in a mauler w hich w uld hardlv liecom' a man who might have been recently i :u\i!lihl in the Iwuc book Weak Woman Rt ent*. Ttjv police tisik a hand in the af fair. They placed Cambra and -r ar i. st Hts confinement to the dunc*i’n and his absence from home had a rather depressing • ffect upon the Cambra home When the case was tailed before Judge Wilcox at the police *-ourt«y« sterday morning, the wife refused to prosecute and requested the court to deal leniently with h<r errir.g husband Cambra was as> -- d the minimum fine of |t> and costs. Both flaunted the white flag of truce as they marched out of the court room. l-*u She a Chinese woman of rank, refused to prosecute her husband. Lam Yip, charged with assault and battery. The defendant was dss charged. Porto Rican vagrants continue to encumber the docket upon vagrancy charges. Jose Miranda and McElroy were »ach sent for three months to the reef. Nine Chinese gathered in Saturday night through the Instrumentality of a Chillingworth raid, declared their

Innocence the charge of gambling. | and backed up the assertion by producing their attorney Mon War. A continuance was granted until today. Bone Shaking Luau. A bone shaking luau in which five native gamblers were arrested resulted In an equal number of con-: fictions yesterday morning. The defendants were each assessed in the sum of $in and costs. A postponement until t day was granted to Haole. a native, who ap peared in the Police Court, who on the charge of assault with a weapon on H Ryan The case against Mrs. m M Manuel and M H. Keawe. charged with adultery, was centime d unt'l Wed nesday. Four cases of drunkenness were the net results of Saturdays and Sun ays gleanings bv the police department. Th“ usual fines were as sessed. Kaanaana was reprimanded and af forwards discharg ’d. He was accus'd of navigating his bicycle along 'he streets after dark without providing himself with a light.