Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Ha m.i;e e tailtlou am hiaery *b* i*e m i r • *.a Spread? bh-etS PI la der Blips. roi i om - k B> To the >r I •* r»te it B 3 DOZEN CASH er'.s cer and to i no *• Sanitary Laundry sar?itary 3tea/n l^au^dry (?o ud R.c g up MAIN .0. and our wagons w’.l .-.V! for vour » rk m\i ill.il/nl California Harness Shop Fort Street, Oppo*it; Club Stable*. / _ ~ w _ nfINVJffIQTURERS OP .i' ~ > PINOLE \ > ' EOVBLF. ? /V./V‘ 4 i «- DSAT "• -T? / DELIVERY 1 Aft- EXPRESS * ? CARRIAGE REPAIRING iL Specialty D. O. HAMMAN. I /VndreW Cshcr & Co.’s SPECIAL KKSICKV 1C XT'S SCOTCH WHISKEY ""one equalw. o. f=e:aoook & 00.. SOLE AGENTS. c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> »>>>*>»>»• ♦ The Coyne : Furniture Co., IS OFFERING SOME BEAFTIFFL BEDHOOM SETS AT “S--HOLIDAY PRICES. , ■ JJ In WHITE MAPLE, BIRDSEYE * MAPLE. OAK. MAHOGANY. * ASH. ELM and PINE. 'i : i '-d i U *.lZi'Klio l»ro-ress Hlock. FORT STREET • A v •<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<• CONDON’S NIGHT PATROL IELIABLEWATCHMEN FURNISHED FOB luildings. Business Property AND Residences ALSO Ships anil Docks S ft 4 ft i; 4 V? Rates Reasonable PHONE BLUE 1211. OFFICE; 1249 FORT STREET | > » » > >» > >»>un > > > > > > Muuiu »>>>>>> r NEW ARC LAMPS RECEIVE HEARTY ENDORSEMENTS. 5 « .«* .«* JJ « The new enclosed type of Arc Limp- w- ap m \ in-'a'.lir.. - re- JJ ceive the hearty endorsement of ad who ar- now i; -ng them Mr. T. Rosenberg, of th«- O Job- Clothing Co . HJI V JJ say for me that lam highly pleased with th< -e lamps and wouM 8 have no other. They meet every requirement. a ■ sof" hr;'.: if * and steady, and so far as I can see, are absolute!;, w • • fa . • ’ • If These lamps we will Icrtall at a very small ct * T: ■ » g w five times the amount of light of tb* ire and ■:.* for th u- » money. Burn eighty hours with one tr.rnm r and < • a- ft, penetrating. evenly distributed light without fluttering ir no;?For further information, send ns a postal or ring up Main » JJ and we will be pleased to call at your office. JJ .< < < JJ v m The Hawaiian Electric Co.. Ltd. \ King Street Near Alakea. JJ « Mrmmmrt «<««< tttcmrmmtrteim m tt tt < «* E. W. QUINN Saag Oh.azx plumber Merchant Tailor TWO STORES Estimates furnished on First Class No ** Hotel opp. New Knglsnd 3*t Modem Plumbing The Patronage of Owners Ar.-hl tec Is and Builders Solicited. ery. and Hotel street. Hoffman Saloon. opp. P O. Box 152. Suits Made to Order ,n the Latee* Styles. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 115 rahm St Clothing Cleaned. O/ed and Repairs*