Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
F. H. Redward NewYorkDenta Contractor and Builder Parlors. 42 Punchbowl Street, Telephone BLUE 1701. Room 4, t te Building. Hotel St*ee Jobbing Promptly Attended to. THE DENTAL SPECIALISTS. Telephone White SOI. —; Jobbing Promptly Attended To. OSCAR SELLERS No More Dread of the D*ntal Chah PLUMBING. Office and Shop: 472 Eeretanla. Near Alapal Street Pimpjr.g a tail on. SEWER WORK A SPECIALTY. Why KEEP YOUR HORSE AT THE Hotel Stables Where the feed is'Qood. the'eonditions sanitary, attention kind and prompt, and RATES MODERATE? James Brown, Proprietor Teeth extracted and filled absolute!: without paia by our late sci*ntlfi methods. No sleep-producing agent or cocaine. These are the only denta parlors in Honolulu that hare the pat ent apjfl.ances and ingredients to *-1 ; tra< t. fill and apply gold crowns ac< porcelain crowns, undetectable free natural teeth, and warranted for tei years, without the least particle o pain. Gold crowns and teeth withou’ plates, gold fillings and all other den tal work done painlessly and by spe ciallsta. Gold crowrs, $5; full set teeth, $5; bridge work, $5; gold filling, |1 up; silver fillings, 50c. piAXES * FISH MARKET BOOTH Wm, J. ARNOLD, Manager. Any work that should not prove satisfactory will be attended to free of charge any time within 5 years. HAS CONST.' NTLY ON HAND A CHOICE LINE OF Imported and Domestic Meats; Pish; Live and Refrigerated Poultry. Butter, Eggs, Cheese. Potatoes, Fruits and Vegetable*. Two d'!ivcrl"s dally to ary place within city limits —at 9 a. m and 3 p m. Cust'inurs desiring to have their orders delivered are respectfully requested to call and leave the same • prior to the hours above named. We are making a specialty cf geld crowns and bridge work; the most beautiful, painless and durable of all dental work known to the profession. Our name alone will be a guarantee that your work will be of the best. We have a specialist in each department. Best operators, best gold workmen and extractors of teeth: in fact, all the staff are inventors of modern dentistry. We will tell you in advance exactly what your work will cost by free examination. Give us a call and you will find we do exactly as we advertise. v •Telephone Mlih 379.. Nil YORK DENTIL PARLORS ICE .'. ICE Delivered to all parts of the city. Room 4 Elite Building, Hotel St. LADIES IN ATTENDANCE. Office open from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Make appointments for eveningI Wela Ea Hao Saloon. QUEEN STREET. JUST OPENED. COOL DRINKS. FINE CIGARS. Tumble in some day! Phone 3151 Blue McKEN2IE * Thompson, prop-.. Oahu Ice & Electric Go. ONE WEEK - WILL Ol K I t: BIC SHIRT WAIST SAIiE LAST ALL IMPORTED GOODS of the verv latest and most £ stylish tashions.—Don't forget, it will close on X • O * Saturday. Jan. 11th. r V A. A. MONTANO, Prop. H. F. DAVISON, Mor. ARLINGTON BLOCK. Phono Main oil. HOTEL STREET. P. 0. Bov 57. I ■x-x->x->>>x^x-X'X<«x-x-x.rx<<-x«x<<-X'X«X'-X'X'X-x-*>> Get Your Horses from Telephone Main 35 I tl( « Ml w 3 lo Get 111 ll HE TERRITORY f A MODERN LIVERY, up-todate In every particular, first-class boarding. Rigs delivered and called for In any part of the city. S. F. Thomas, Manager.