Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 Ianuali 1902 — CONTAGIOUS DISEASES IN MANILA ANIMALS [ARTICLE]
WARNING NOTE TO HAWAII, t \ Department of Agricultures Prohibits r t the Landing of Annimals From the Philippine Islands at United , States or Hawaiian P_-rts. 1 Washington. D.C.. Dec. 13. 1901. 11 t I S I> partment <>f Agneulftr Ofe fice of the Secretary. . t Not -■-* i- hereby given to the own p ers. officers, and agents of all steam- 1 a rrs and other vessels of all d- scrip- , Lions plying between the Philippine 0 Islands and any of the ports of the jj Hawaiian Islands, or between the Philippine Islands and anv of the ports of the United Stat s < r the Territories or dep ndencies th reof. and to ail stockmen and all other p»-r I sons concerned in any way or manner y in th traffic in animah* ta or .with C the Philippine Islands, that certain n ntagicus. Infections, and communi- d t > Unit States dst mong the animals of the said Philippine Islands, viz. surra, affecting bursts. mill 's. a*.-> *. neat catt’- , atm Is. buffaloes and dog-, and ap foot and-mouth diseas-'. aff- *’ng hi -• s. neat cattle oth r ruminants, ar ; swine; and rinderpi aff .ring neat «attl* and other ruminant* Tin refore. under the authority conferred upon me by the act of C- n V ’ An act for the establishment of a Bur- au of Animal Industry, to prevent the exportation of di- a- d -attli and to provide means for the sup pr.-sion and extirpat; n o: ple.ir * ■_ - * among dome-tv animals." I do hereby prohibit the landing at any of the ports of the Hawaiian Islands. or at any of the ports of the United a*at-- or of any of th*- depen- •* n* ies thereof, of anv live stock or animals of any kind, from the Phi’ippine Islands. This prohibition will take effect immediately and will continue in force until otherwise ordered, JAMES WILSON. Secretary