Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — CULLOM WORKS FOR RECIPROCITY TREATIES [ARTICLE]

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T WASHINGTON. Jan. 2 - Senator ’* Cullotn. chairman .of the Committee jr i n Foreign Relations, is beginning ,■ to agitate the matter of reciprocity c treaties Though he holds his place e and speaks with some authority, the s real leader of the Foreign Relations n Committee is Senator tit ■ n whom California depen is to preserve ‘‘ it from the Jamaica and French treaties. j, Senator Cmllotu adnr's that Th*- a committee is divided on the question v. of reciprocity, and he does not assume that the Senate trill ratify any ! of the treaties Ail he does i- •<* say " be will try to bring the matter no , • and have the featies either ratified or reje< ted. Cullotn is an advocate t of reeipm, ity. and says he is acting p in line with a <onversation held with p President McKinley. •