Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 Ianuali 1902 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

★ The OLIVER TYPEWRITER Simplicity, durability, speed and manifolding power are cooceded to be the four great essentials tn a typewriting machine. We present to the public THE OLIVER as the latest and most striking embed.ment of these features, and the most radical departure from other methods of construction. Examine this up-to-date m chine before deciding upon a pur chase of an inferior make. Wall, ITioiiols Co., Lltd. Agents for Territo-y of Hawaii. Then. H. Davies & Go., Ltd. SUGAR FACTORS. IMPORTER? OF General Merchandise COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AGENTS FOR Canadian-Australian Steamship Lin° Lloyds, British & Forehm Marine Insurance Co. Northern Assurance Co. iFirv and Life . Canadian Pacitie Railway Co. Pioneer Line of Packets from Liverfoci I e * i I » •J e v t y Best Koofiurj on Karth r ■ -* / t i _ _ . 1; .... -i « • " ~v sr- / S* J “ >. * r -i . . fc. .. T r‘-n rrvrvi '• U r~T T -T-r-TT-r-r^ | Alpine Plaster ; Herring-Bone Expanded Metal Lath I AND ; Building Specialties. : I Hawaiian Trading Co , Limited MANUFACTURER’S AGENTS. 1142 Fort Street Love Building A 4 4 4 % 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Fred Phiip&Bro. 629 King St. WRIGHT BLDG. CAK KV A Full Line of Saddles. Harness. Whips. Collars. Hames. Chains. Soaps. Bridles. Bits. Spins A.M> Harness OH and Dressing. Gall Cure. Campbell's Hoof Remedy. Ellimans Embrocation. H. H. H. Liniment. Etc.. Etc. HART & GO., Ltd. Elite Ice Cream Parlors. Finest resort in the city. SODA WATER AND ICE CREAM Male from Pur>' Fruit Syrupe. CHOCOLATES AND BON BON3. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ON ALL WORK UNDERTAKEN. PHONE BLUE 2651. BAKERY LUSCH 1 FRESH ill WEI Supplied dally with fresh killed and Vegetables, —also—.. A LARGE GROCERY DEPARTMENT FRUITS. ETC.. ETC. Order* delivered to any part of the city. Germania + Saloon C WESvSKI-3. I - _ A. BECKEfc. | " p.Jaw » 904 Queen Street, cor. South. Headquarters for Honolulu Primo Beer, in bottles and on draught. Always I?.--Cold. We can give you the b'-st glass of Beer in town. 'l' K V THE ALOHA SALOON DOQX BY THEIROX WORKS For a Good, Tasty Schooner OF BKER. C. a. YEE HOP & CO. Corner Beretansa and Aiak-ia. Phone Blie iV Honolulu ironworks Go ...STEAM ENGINES... BOILERS. SUGAR M'cLS. COOL. ERS, BRASS and LEAD CASTINGS and MacLinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ships blacksmithlng Job work executed on shortest notice. Beaver. Lunch. Rooms. H. J. NOLTE. : ; : ; Propr. Fort Street. Just received a new lot of celebrated FIVE CE.\T fIG KIiMME BIOS.. Pwriitirs. Hew York Capadurat, Wash In Allston, Union d« Cuba, Grand Republic, Etc.