Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 Ianuali 1902 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

y sn; ASI lOTEX IMPORTER AND DEALER IN JAPANESE PR( '\ >;■ >NS and General Merchandise JAPANESE LIQUOR, direct frorr KOBE. JAPAN. Sole Agents 'or RYOKO M ASA MU N 2. King Street. Phone Main S 2. Something Yn Want Wav t/ ■ Everybody should have one of of our American Russia Leather 1902 DIARIES A diary is almost indispensable to the business and social man. If you have never kept one begin the .New Year right by doing so. When you once begin you will wonder how you have got along without it. Rest "Excelsior” Dairies, in American Russia Leather, Imitation Russia and Black Cloth. Pocket size . . . 75c to $2.00 Office $l,OO to 3.00 Hawaiian News Co., MERCHANT STREET, On the way to the Post Office. A Straw Hat Is the most knmfortahle and koolest kind of Head Gear for a klimate like ours. YOU KAN Get any style, shape or quality made to order to suit your build of head. At G. DOHI’S Straw Hat Manufacturer. Nuuanu St. Opp. Sayegusa s Tramways Time Table. KING-STREET LINE. Cars leave Waikiki for Town at 5.45. 6:15. 6:45 a. m.. and every 15 minutes thereafter till 10:45, 11:15 and 11:45 p. m. from Waikiki go tc the Punahou Stables. Cars leave Rifle Range or Pawaa switch for Town at 5;58 a m and ‘ very 15 minutes thereafter till 11:08 p. m. Cars leave Fort and King street? corner for Palama at 6:10 a. m. and every 15 minutes after till 11:25 p m Cars leave for Palama oniv at 5 and 5:30 a. m. Cars leave Palama for Waikiki a? 5:45 a. m. and 15 minutes til! 9:45 p rc.. then at 10:15 and 10:45 p, m. The 11:15 p. m. from Paiama for Punahou only goes to Waikiki on Saturdays. Cars leave Fort and King streets corner for Rifle Range at 5:20 and 5:50 a. m Cars leave Fort and K'ng streets corner for Waikiki at 6:05 a. m. and every 15 minutes till 10:05 p. m.. then at 1 ;35 and 11:05 p m. The 11:35 D. m. goes to Waikiki on Saturdav? only. BEHETANIA STREET AND nuu ANU VALLEY. Cars i»ave Punanou sutbie f r Town at 5:30 and for Town and Vailer at 5:4" 5:50. 6:10. 6:20. 6:40. 7 and 7 20 a. m. Cars 1-ave Oahu College for Town led Valiev at 6:30. 6:50 and 7:10 a. m. ana every 10 minutes till 10:10 0. m . except -he even hour and half hour ears which run from the Stab!:* Cars leave Nuuanu Valley at 6:10. 6:30. 6:50 a. m . and ere-v 10 minutes thereafter till 10:50 p m. Cars leave Fort and Queen streets for Punahou College at 6:05. 6:25. 6:45 a tc. and every 10 minutes after til! 9:45 p. m. After that the cars run to the Stable up to 11:05 p. m. which is the last ear from To»l reaching the Stabie at 11:30 p m. J i < ( 1 <