Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — A Little Boy's Life Saved. [ARTICLE]

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A Little Boy's Life Saved.

I have a few words to say regard;a “ r , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I saved my little boy s life and I fee I raanot praise it enough. I bough " cf il f: s A E Ft -re o 1 Goodwin. S. D-. U. S. A., and when got horn- with it the poor baby caai< i' lly N-eath*-. I gav- ; the m Jb as direi ted every t*n minutes h "threw op" and then I thought - fc- was s ng to chok to d-atb had • pud the phi- zm ou: of his tn nil in great long strings j am po.- tire that if I had not got that - bottle of cough medicine, my bo.would not be on earth today.—Joei Dcmont. Inwood. lowa.