Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — SPECIAL ATERACTIONS OFFERED BY DIFFERENT BUSINESS HOUSES [ARTICLE]

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Bish iv s Savings Pass Book No 121$ lost. Kinder please return to Bishop £ Co. Our great wall paper sale starts to day. over thirty thousand rol’- of new j.oo'h of th-' latest designs selling f'r 2t> per cent less than former pri< s. Do not miss this The M< K-chnie Faint and Wall Paper Co.. Bethel >t. The S. S Alameda will ha-.- here tomorrow for the Coast a* 1» o’clock P m sharp. Have your carriage rejuvenated and made to look a litt’e hotter than a new one at W. W. Wright s Carriage Manufactory. King stre- 1 Contracts taken for supplying plantations with Japanese products and provisions. H. Hamano. King str»etOar groceries are all n w slock, in fact they move so quickly that they are bound to be fresh. Our meat market is up-to-date too. all kinds of vegetables and fruits on the stands. C. Q Yee Hop £ Co., corne r Alakea and Becetanla. Fresh fruits and oysters by every steamer from the Coast. The Sun Wing Lung Co., corner King and Ala keg streets. Land is the best investment for ones money. Buy some lots on Gulick tract. Kalihi. before they go up In value. Apply Mrs. S A. Qulick. P. O. Box 415. A nicely furnished room for two

gentlemen. with bt ard. Apply Republican office. \ good home insurance company w-'h modern endowment system and all the advantages of an up-to-date live company. The Oriental Life Instance Co.. 301-30:: Slangenwald building. Have your corns extracted painless- . ly by Dr. W. R. Bogie. Arlington K-' >. Kocm ">. . Large quantities of rice handled light anc sold. Island trade solicit»d. Luen Chot g Co . 120 King street. Attend The auction sale today of valuable land situate southwest corner of King and Kekaulike streets to be held on the premises by Col. Will E. Fisher. Russell and Watson, attorneys Meg on budding. Merchant street. Phone Main S2S Skylights and ventilators put in at reasonable prices, metal ro flag, pipe and gutter work promptly attended I to. Wm. H Barth Star block. 125K* Fort street Your presence is r< quested at E. W. Jordan's discount sa'e that is if you are Inking for something good at low prices. Pert street. Take your iratrfc to Tho« fjndsay If it gets sick, the best watch doctor in town. l.ore building Fort street.; All person- trespassing oj the fish- * ing rights at Kaika. Wtl’ua, Island of Oahu, will b~ prawyuud.