Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 Ianuali 1902 — SOCIAL SCIENTISTS HAVE A MEETING [ARTICLE]
= APER ON THE AWA HABIT READ Rev. O. P. Emerson Lectures on the Pernicious Influence Which Awa. and Lioucr Have on the Hawaiian People. Th- Fecial Science Club met la.-t night at th>- h- me of Brof*>.-or Dyke •if Kamehau. ha S tools. Th-- feature of the nt-eting was the reading by Rev. O. P. Kraerson of an interesting paper on the "Awa Habit Among Hawaiians." He net only spoke of the awa habit but mentioned the •pernicious influence which the opium habit. liquor habit and other like habits are having on the Hawaiian race. He stated it as his firm belief that these habits are growing stronger on the Hawaiian people than they ever had been and said that it has been his observation on his trips around the various islands and districts that at plates these nefarious traffics were not only connived at but also indulged in by the local authorities. Present at the meeting were the following: Rev. O. P. Emersen. Mr. Kreuss. Mr. Kauuha, Professor, M. M. Scott. Professor Curtis Lyons. F. S Dodge. Dr. U. Emerson. Lorrin A. Tfcu sLon. H. C. Brown. Dr. Waldo Burgi ss, W. R. Castle. Judge A. Perry. Professor W. D. Alexander. Professor Dyke. Professor Bingham. W. F. Fi t nr. Mr. Esken. Mr. Beadle. Mr. Robinson, Mr. L. Crosse and others.