Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — AUCTION SALE IN BANKRUPTCY. [ARTICLE]
On Thursday. January 23rd. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at my salesroom 65 Queen street. Honolulu. I will sell at Public Auction, by order of Mr. H. G. Middleditch. trustee in the estate of J. H. Taylor « Co., bankrupts, the following partially described merchandise. the complete list of which can be seen at my office: Anvils, Tire Upset:- r. Coal. Bites. Hammers. Clamps Malltts. Bolts. Shovels. Calipers. Tire Bander. Round and Fiat Bar Iron, Bar Tool St- •!. Wrenches. Drill Pr* ss. F : atters. Swager, Punches. Pinchers. Wrenches Desk. Scales. Buggy Wheel? Rims Oak and Spruce Lumber. Drawing Knife. Bevel, etc., etc. Together with a fifteen years' lease of the property situated on the corner of Queen and Milinani streets, and the corrugated iron covered building situate thereon. JAMES F MORGAN. Auctioneer, Honolulu. Jan. 9. 1902. ,