Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — ENTERTAINERS OF THE WORLD [ARTICLE]

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OSPBEI’I PBESEJIS C-BEJI SHOW The World's Entertainers opened at the Orpheam last night and more than tarried out every premise male to the public of Honolulu. Th theater was parked and hundreds of people were turned away unable to gain admission. Th t was that of Soler ao the Great, who gave an exhibition of juggling that heid the audience spellbound. Clever Ledge-derrain. Prof-ssor Powell gave some very clever trick? in legerdemain and completely mystified the audience. His best trick was the trunk mystery. An attendant is tied securely in a sack, which is scaled; he is then placed in a trank which is locked: this mink in turn is placed in another trunk, also double loi-ked. It is then bound with a rope. A young girl stands beside this trunk a canopy placed over both girl and trunk, and in two seconds they have changed places without disturbing the locks or seals. The St. Onge Brothers in the exhi bition of bicycle riding showed tricks that were never before seen here, while Arras and Alice gave a very clever exhibition of gymnastic feats. Much Encored Skit. Bert Flat and Rose Sutherland opened the bill in a skit that was encored time and again, and they held the boards twenty-five minutes, when the program only assigned them half that time. Mile Ancion performed on the trapeze while the Ferraris Duo did some marvelous dancing, their Rus sian dance b€ing beyond the common. Mile De Monza gave Hungarian songs and dances in a pleasing and graceful mannei. Hope Hadden, the principal vocal ist of the company, is a petite and charming little lady. She is very graceful and knews how to dress while being also the possessor of a sweet voice. Comedy of the Evening. The principal comedy of the evening was furnished by the Bunth and Dudd Company and the Deltorellis Trio. Both of these teams brought down the house by their funny antics. The little casino of the trio is a host in himself. Honolulu has an attraction here which is seldom equaled and that it is appreciated will no doubt be demonstrated by the large business the company will do during its short stay.