Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 Ianuali 1902 — CATHOLIC BENEVOLENT UNION HAS A MEETING [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


TREASURERS REPORT ADOPTED The first business meeting of the Catholic B-nevolent Union in 1902 was held last night at the Catholic club rooms on the Cathedral ground' W I. Barry was / chairman of the me ring and F D Creedon acted as secretary. There was a good attendance and after the regular meeting adjourned, an agreeable evening was spent by the members in social intercourse. The Union took a strong stand on the labor question. and«after several m- tnbers had fully expressed their views it was moved and adopted that all work to be done for the dub hereafter shall be done by white labor to the absolute exclusion of Asiatics. The report of the treasurer for the quarter ending January Ist. 1902. was read and adopted. It showed: Cash on hand January Ist including money loan d. $1247.35. The financial secretary reported for the past six months. These have having received $175.50 monthly dues for the past six months. These have been turned over to the treasurer. The officers of the Catholic Benevolent Union are: President. Y. I. Barry; Ist vice president. F. C. Betters; 2nd vice president. A. W Seabury; recording secretary. F. D. Creedon; financial secretary, Chas. H. Rose; treasurer. Alfred* Rosa; chaplain. Rev. Father Valentin. Directors: J. F. Erkardt. J. Asche. S. W. Crook. W. F. Enwig. I . Gleason. J. A. McDonald. A. S. Vascimentos.