Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — GOVERNMENT SUPPLIES. [ARTICLE]
T!i‘- il"»rd of Health at its meeting tomorrow. will have to pas* upon the advisability or otherwise of making P . blic all tender.- that are submitted •o it for Territorial supplies. The q ;- -li n arisen through the anxiety of an< n-su- • ful competitor In lenders T< < ently submitted for drugs and hospital necessaries. Mere bants as a rule are opposed to -bowing their figures to competitors, although we understand there is no objection to the presence of all bidder,. when their tender* are being considered by the Board. Whether they shall be given to the press for pub! atioi. is another matter and one that has caused considerable discussion and acrimony in larger cities than Honolulu. \s a rule, we believe, tho bid- are regarded as confidential, though th>- Po.ieral Government often malo thom public, especially in the i a—e of transactions involving large sums of public mon«y. A non successful competitor may sometimes feel a little ruffled at havug been underbill, especially if he has a large stock of the goods needed and is anxious to dispose of them. But consideration should also lx* given to the winner, and it is a moot point whether his business relations with any government department should not be regarded as confidential He may* Is' losing money on a trarsactlon and have some purpose in doing so. but that is solely his own affair as long as ho supplies the quantities and qualities demanded and at the time specified. There are more ways than one of looking at this question and the deeision of the Board of Health will be awaited with interest by every business man in the community.
Hon .lim Jeffries abandons all hop*' of meeting Hon. Bobet Fitzsimmons in the pugilistic arena. Hon. Tom Sharkey is regarded as the next probable opponent of the Hon. Jim.
if Colonel George \v. Macfarlane ian succeed in unlocking the bank vaults, circulating money and further developing Hawaii, he will deserve the hearty thanks of the community.
The people of Kewalo are still waiting for <ome sign of r<s-ognition from Hon James H. Boyd. We are afraid the Board of Health has not been vlg orous enough in its demands. Press the button once more
Hon Wilbur K Wakeman. appraiser it the port of New York, refused to resign w'hen requested to Jo so. and ast some reflections upon Secretary Gage Wakeman received the toe of the official boot
B ng a 'lift dof hikown re-election • rand of the National legislature, Senator Foraker is putting in his spare time by waging war on the two years’ hence candidacy of Hon. Mark Hanna.
Besides an investigation into the i a use of death of Joseph Rosa, some inquiry should be made into the conduct of Dr. Alvares who gave a death certificate for alcoholism for a man wounded in the temple and whose dead bod> was lying in blood.
Judging from the construction of new railroads last year, there is nothing the matter with business on the mainland And judging by the business done by the Honolulu Rapid Transit Company, business is ail right here. Why the timidity of capital’
If the Republicans of the Hilo district can settle their differences and promptly select a member of the Territorial Central and of the Executive committees, they will set a good example to Republicans in Honolulu. A final decision should be reached this month and the minority should abide by the decision of the majority. Clean up all the old differences and let the Territorial committee get down to real business next month.