Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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REMEMBER! REMEMBER! : _ : i m = I MWtRT\SUTS I a J, TITHE advertiser’s best friend is the medium thro ;ch * A I which he obtains th' biggest returns for his money. % - a 1 One medium which is us-'d by advertisers to a great w A extent is the circular or booklet. The circular or J a booklet is alaays ineffective, unless It ss v.-rv handsome— « * handsome enough to attract the • of Dm man I > wh< ■ t * A how bu I u a some enough to do this almost always from t w * four cents apiece. Then is the mailing to - int n (tv ♦ * la getting a list u| a * (dressing. Altogether the cost will figure w A up to about seven cents a- J £ ;-at. i - realstion in a booklet v a nd dr ulation at seven cents H ‘ I i I jj A that yon . an Invest $l4O In n«tta S a five fold of what yon would get through a book-; v A * : Newspaper Space /s Valuable \ A a in the first pla e. U»« re is For I t w A a o S a Yon in a figure it out to suit your own instance much better than : jj * can. So much for cost. v A • : Now for Effectiveness « v a You must tell your -’ii-'.-m- ir goods i ■ v A fl A ttboul ill —it will do you no good. Hon « a prices in a booklet wl loing a strict iu I w * ness? You have competitors; you have to . hunve > ir J J prices constantly to meet theirs, and to meet other exl* « a gencies. The first change of a pri. will k.il the effectlvt w A ness of a booklet, and where are you? Your adv-'rtl-cment * J in a newspaper may be cl v * sire. You are constantly up-to-date. v A v I The Newspaper Is Effective \ a Any kind of a newspaper has more circulation than yon v a can obtain through a booklet for Sit". Newspapers icfa w A the h<-art of the home. Bvi ry , :>■ rends-then I J a far more certain to • btain close attention than any printed w A matter which you would send. If you -• nt printed m.itter J A of your own accord to persons wl ■> do not know you, yon * a would be putting yourself (Bee to fSce w:ih them with ut a w A guarantee. They have nothing to Judge th-- quality f J A goods by. and they <an only take what you ay oo v a paper and In your own way Anybo-ly can -ay as i:-. j h *.s w A they please. * Wh-ii your matter w a lation and good standing tha wewnpaper it a guara- t . < - v A what you say. N .i -* J their ad peak of g v a nr mis will gain a value f- si I ■ th< inhi nnt on< They w A will be vouched for, and this is not to '■ de : ■ 1 y a have a certain fluctuating trad--, whit h w a and which needs some sort of an Introduction to your • * £ This introduction the new-paper gives yju. w A j m W : £oof/ / , a/?er Dignity : a ■ ; are known by th-- company you keep w a and if - appear in a paper wh eh holds itself p J * for ea as n U on win be k- a patron w a of what is good, and you will obtain trs so whon; v A - worth trading with J A On all scores v the best. On the score of cheapness; on the score of b-lng w able to constantly chang- your annoucc*-m-nts; on the - - * of direct and immediate returns; and on the score of 1 “■ s w introduced to people, to strangers, as a store which can af w ford to announce its news to every one in a dignifl-d an ! v straightforward manner, and this is the manner whi-'h bring- 1 w trade that pays. Jf FRANKLIN BURNHAM, ~ w New York City. * A A A A : : A A A A The above artieffc. written by on-' of the best Inform* d « a advertising men in the c<> .ntry in line » th tn- ' •-s w A policy advocated and maintained by THE HONOLULU RE' J a PUBLICAN. His description of a good newspaper and Its w a superior merits a» advertising mi dium dist n * ap{ w A cable to an essentially reliable and dignified family pap- r of J a large circulation, such as THE REPUBLICAN. w T4Vr*€€€€€t€tiC€€€*€€t*€*€t<€€g**t**€€tt*tt€t*t*t*<ttZ The Union Express Co., EXCORh SALoox Air* r . - nn .• Choice tN;nea, Liquors and Cigar Office with Evening lilletn. RyAN t OEMENT U* King Street falephon* he Sorthwe-t -rr.-r Hotel and Nu jann ' Streets. '.Ve move safes, pianos and fnnutore We haul freight and lumber. ■ 1 We sell black and white sand. We meet all incoming coast steamers. We check baggage on all outgoing team era. W. LARSEN. •« • Manager, DEPOT SALOOX Honolulu Brewing and Malting Draught and Bottled Beer. Kin* street, opp. O. R. i L. Co. Depot Board, $4.50 per week RYAN 4 dement, prop. Meals, -- - • 25c Each T PRIVATE 1001 FOR UOIES. EVERYTHING HEW, CLEAN and Nuuanu Street. Ba- k of Club Stables. FRESH. _. _. , ra i. . Fin,- Bath House. The popular Restaurant FW Barber House. _ A . , _ , _ Fine Imported Cigars, B.thel street, back o? Postofflce. Flne BwA Po , jBh SUnd>