Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
The Complete Process of repainting a carriaae necessitates -ometimes the putting on of au many a* It! COATS of Lead Paint. Filling Paint, Color Paint and Rubbing Varnish, and onlv then is it ready for the tlnal STUPING. All Carriages th .i are brought to ns go through ail this a'd more, the old paint _is burnt off and every three coat-; of lead are pumice stoned off smooth and when we let it go out of the Shops—you could not ted it from a new one. Bring in Your Old Looking Chariot and Have it Resurrected. W. W. WRIGHT, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER V. King Street J When the Clock Strikes Nine Every morning begins the race —San Francisco to Chicago—of the California Limited... VIA TIIK m Santa Fe LHJ The most luxurious train service; electric lighted throughout. Perfect in every detail No limit to the good things provided for your comfort. ONLY 4 DAYS TO HEW YORK. ofic?s —641 Market Street and Ferry. SAN FRANCISCO. Santa Trillus—Daily Leave Market Street Ferry Depot: 3:00 a. m., 4 20 p. m., S p. m, 7:20 a. m. 9 00 a. m. train is the California Limited, carrying Palace Sleeping Cars and Dinig Cars through to Chicago. Chair Cars run to Bakersfield for accommodation of local first-class passengers. No second-class tickets are honored on this train. Corresponding train arrives 7:05 a. m.. daily. 4:20 p. m. is Stockton. Merced and FTesno local. Corresponding train arrives at 12:30 p. m., daily. $:00 p. m. Is the Overland Express, with through Palace and Tourist Sleepers and Free Reclinlg Chair Oars to Chicago; also Palace Sleeper which cuts out at Fresno. Corresponding train arrives at 6:00 p. m.. daily. 7:29 a. m. is Bakersfield Local, stopping at all points in San Joaquin Valley. Corresponding train arrives at S: 40 a. m* daily. OFFICES—64I Market St., and *■ Kerry Depot. San Francisco. W. G. IRWIN A CO., Agenta, HcnoluMa