Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 Ianuali 1902 — DULL DAY ALONG THE WATERFRONT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


There was little doing along the ! waterfront yesterday. There were I no arrivals and the Lehua and Waia- ' leale were the only departures. The j former sailed at .1 p. m. for Halawa ' and Kalaupapa. and the Waialeale got away shortly after for Kilauea. The British ship Lang iale prepar- | ed for sea and will sail today for San . Francisco. All but four of the crew of th»- Renee have des*erted her She is nearly ready to sail for the Sound ' and Captain Whitmore finds himself in a quandary. He has ordered Lewis and Turk to find a crew for him. The crew of the bark Hesper has refused to go any farther with that , vessel, ami. according to the C. S. shipping rules, which allow a seaman j to ask his discharge at anv American ! port, they have a»ke<i Captain Svenson to cancel their contracts They were all paid off yesterday and. as a consequence, made things lively along the front during the afternoon ( It is probable that some of them will t ship on the Reuce within 48 hours. Work is progressing rapidly on the new wharf now being built between i the Inter-Island and Oceanic docks. Nearly all the piles hare been driven j down and work on the flooring will ' begin within the next few days. he Waialua came into port in the j afternoon from Kahului minus both i her anchors and with her winch brok ; en. She lost the anchors in the recent heavy weather off the Maui coast where she was nearly wrecked. She will go back on the pai-ai run from Kahului next week