Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 Ianuali 1902 — CHAMBER IS READY TO AID TERRITORY AT WASHINGTON [ARTICLE]
J. B. Atherton Talks About Appropriations for Harbors. THINKS CONGRESS WILL HELP Youngest Territory May Have to Wait Before its Requirements are Considered. Many Improvement* Needed in Dredging and Deepening Harbors and Supplying Mere Lighthouses — Believes Much Good Can Be Accomplished for Hawaii Nei. Tin t hamlmr of Commerce will at ;i i time? l>< foremost in advancing i ri«- best and most vital interests of Hawaii a? a territory." was the com tii**nt of J B. Atherton yesterday. mi a-k' 1 whether that body would ik*- ai t ion to secure necessary apI cpriatlons from the national conin - for ..i rylng on public iniproven in as -iggcstcd by Tie RepubThe Chamber of Commerce is working for the g. ncrai welfare of • -':u i- ontlnued Mr. At her F: - vch our representative at Washington. Mr. Haywood, the Cham1,. ;- of Commctc would not hesitate • l an? litn. !• press our claims for i:* clful improvements. ! am rn :ned t • believe lliat. dure !■-; th present session of congress. mi 11. ;. cal.- \Vllent and Mr. Haywood w (11 set fortli our more urgent i.ms f ; a share in the Federal expenditures • Ch amber Rfady to Act. Kn-t'Krroon* the Chamber of Com n• re will give heed to the individual • iiilrements of each district if they to ttM b<] The tab! -hraent of new light houses. ,na the improvement of harbors would come under the scope of tiie in such cases should Ibe representative citizens of the • -jet? . onimpnicate with the Chami of C-mmcre-e. tliat organization w i pri mup fl*e matters at its earst .li portunlty. and then submit its ■ r, '.ci.cfs to its represents • o at :!■ national seat of governIt otilj too true that a great , a! ct improvement work recently me ui these Islands, at the expense f the Te; ilorial government, should chti'iliy lia\c been covered by the ’’ .!• ral appropriation. The need was and T rritoriai funds were ■a; i employed Kach >-'ar r.mls larger demands upon the United s-af. - treasury for public improvein nt? 1 believe that in time Ha- . u «'I secure her share, the Te i c-v a rtainly w ill if constant and •ncentrat**d action will bring about Claims of the Territory. Of course we are the youngest i■ to:> and nr.»t abide our time in <waiting ur turn to draw from the ' «1 -ttcugbox. I have no reason • doubt h.iwever. but that much will a-: d w ithin the next few • The ext- ut of Hawaii’s share in t general Rivers and Harbor bill >n to be presented to congress Is ,e ~(>!, matlcal The claims of th:? i-rr.fon will be strongly and forcibly -• rte.i I am incline,? to lielleve •}-. ;*{ the ?!*..ds w ill st cure a fait all,ament of the immense ?um an really appropriated. It won i l>e difficult to state just what I•••• of improvements are most ■ eeded throughout the territory. Th Chamber of Commerce realizes at th*'!. are harbors at various !•? of >.i i that require dredging .<nd deepening. Light houses are tie Eared a nee* ssilv to our shipping in•■■.?ts, ant! claims have bren pre- . uted showing they are in demand t ?, \cral dangerous points on the .mo? To accomplish such ends is the mi?? n of the Chamber of Commerce. "By h arty and unanimous co-oper . »tion. with the object In view for the j betterim-nt of Hawaii nei. I believe' much good will yet be accomplished.” 1