Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — STEAMSHIP MAN’S INTERSTING FIND [ARTICLE]

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IN FAR OFF TOWN OF MACAO J. S- Thompson of Pacific Mail Co. Writes to Local Office About Odd and Old Port —Pioneer Steamers on Chinese Trade American. The Kv al im.- of the Pacific Mail Steamship Co ha> mslved a very ilit• ■: estiag letter from J. S Thomp n. he Hongkong as:* ut of the compan.' Mr Thompson writes from Ma.no, where he is spending some time on sick leave amt says: Tlu> is an odd place foumied in !">7 !" th.- Portugm se. and for cen tnric-. it did all the China trade. Now the l*.>arl river has filled up its • stuary and ther,. is no draft for shipping which has con-' to Hongkong. • undid nly -ivly y>ars ago. Hut Ma> ao • -ta;:>s its picturesque beauty " tii .1 cre> ent bay like Naples. It was the refuge of the great poet Canteens, who »a. contemporary with Milton G* - n Grant and many other cel'britics have been to Canteens shrine Hut what 1 wanted to write about w.i> the finding at old Macao of an Ameri. an macasine of 1852 with " -e telling w,rd> conct ming Am- • rican shipping It was an article on • Ocean Life." by a Mr. Abbott, end was writt. u on board the steamship Arctic of the Collins Line: The Cnitcd spates has never yet don anything which has contributed so much to its honor as the con stntction of mis Collins Line of] st.amer* We have made a step in | advan-e >f thr who'e world. Nothing ever floated before equal to these 'hips Their speed is In accordance ».th their magnific-nce, No one thinks of questioning their superiority, Kvery American aboard feels personally enrolled by them and participates in bis country's glop- It > not to be supposed that such ships should be immediately profitable to their owners They are built for na tiona! glop. “ ’These ships .the Arctic, the Pacific and the Atlantic, made a speed of

“75 to 300 miles per day; were about 285 feet in length, nearly as long as four ordinary countp- churches: wheels. 72 feet; coal consumption. 80 tons a day; cost to build possibly 3400.000 each.