Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
uLASSIFIEO IDVEBTISEMENTS AirfrtxtrmtnU •• tkii coimmn tnli b* i**crt*4 *t 10 cewt* a itM vr*l nwiiov 5 cewia « *«e *ec«*»d iw*'he*,* 25 -mu p*r Kat «•*; 35 cni< prr !n« (wo ir««U a«d 30 ee*Te per k*f per mtmik. WANTED. WANT HI)—To *>« iome Sop white Diamond rings; aUo tine opal nags; rtm •ooaple pro-ci Wttclw* repa.red os t;co. G. Diets. watchmaker and jewalar. Fort at* Dear Hotel. in Prescott's atore. WANTED —Girl* to do laundry worn. Applr Sanitary Steam Laundry. Kaa *;.ihao and South street*. WANTED —Two sung!-' g"ntien;-ti 1-" sire rooms and good table board either in house or cottage near, must not be far from business portion of city. Expect to remain permanently tf satisfactory and rates ressonablAddress A. B Republican ofic->. FOR SALE. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, central •' tion. modern improvements cash Apply to J LAKE HIS Emma St. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—A furnished cottage of seven (71 rooms on Klnau street For particulars, apply this offlce ROOMS FOR RENT—Helens C :rt Private Hotel, off Adams I-ane, near Elite Building Phone White H M Levy, manager. TO LET —Delightful roomy bath tuba, with either hot or cold water, and every improvement and convenience known to the modern age.—At Silent Barb r Shop TO LET—Newly furnished doubia parlors; also rooms. Beretama ave., cor. Keaumoku i FOR RENT —An eight room i ottaga | on Young street. Apply J. A. Mv goOQ. Magoon building I I I I COMFORTABLE COTTAGES ON (he premises of the Sanitary Steam Laundry Co. Ltd.. Marmion and South streets The cottages contain 4 roonta, kitchen and hath room. No extra charge for hot and cold water and electric lights. Rent reasonable. Apply on the premises to J. Lightfoot, manager. | Tom Sharp gionooraphist (Successor to CHAS. SEYDONE.) I P-T( l» \T*K SIGNS Designing md Gilding. Advertising a Specialty. Office and Workshop: 1170 UNION STREET. IMf. FRESH GROCERIES H-O CRISES OVSTKRS SHRIMPS CRABS CAVIAR KITTED BLOATERS. ANCHOVIES. S. J. SALTER GROCERY, ORPHEUM BLOCK. Phone Blue 68 7 . •)« TUa Pl'S* S3AOJ.S HO 3*vtj 3mg sS3i*o<M vx3an3 S 3bOW ON SXSOD nm 3HI i(N ion AHM Kerosene and Gasoline Wickless Steves —FOR SALE AT THE— Hawaiian Hardware Co. ltd FORT STREET. ♦ Business men will tel) yon ♦ <* that an ad in Tbe Repuolic* ♦ ♦ an brings good results be- ♦ ♦ cause the people r<.nd it. #