Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — MULES AT A BARGAIN. [ARTICLE]

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Manager Low. representing the Ho- j nolulu Plantation, was the successful, bidder for eleven mules belonging to th* I'nited States Government which w.-re put up at the office of the U. S. Quartermaster on Hotel street yesterday morning. The mules were in fine condition. The upset price was placed at SK ,( V Manager Low secured the lot at an average price of $llO. Captain Williamson refused to let four ether : animals go for a less amount than specified in the upset price, hence they were reserved until a future: date. It is believed the Honolulu Plantation saved a pretty penny in purchas ng the animals at the low figure, as the best price for mules landed at Honolulu, from the Coast, ranges j about $135 a head. ,