Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — GREED FOR RICHES BRINGS WOE TO KEPAPA [ARTICLE]
REFORMATION for cavalho. Uneventful Day at the Wilcox Matinee—Docket in Which Aftermath of Intemperance Was Con- j spicuous by its Absence. I The police department swooped down upon a gambling soiree while it was in full swing on Friday at a secluded spot on the waterfront, and in the scramble and melee that followed the officers of the law secured but one offender. Kepapa was brought toThe station and charged with operating a game in which money was won and lost. He was brought before Judge Wilcox in the police court yesterday morning, and. when arraigned, admitted his connection with the money making enterprise. He was fined $3O and costs. Regoria tiarcia. in whose possession was found a portion of the wearing apparel of several citizens, was granted a postponement upon the charge of larceny, and his case was carried over until Monday. Kwong Tai maintained a determined persistence in violating the hitching ordinances as prescribed by the cariage regulations. An assessment of $5 w;as levied. The troubles emanating from domestic differences existing in the Cambra family were not brought to a settlement yesterday. Antone S. Cambra was charged with assault and battery on Rose S. Cambra. The case will come up on Monday morning. R. G. Williams, alleged to have committed an assault on Ah On, was released with a reprimand. Jose Cavalho. who was’ arrested some days ago for having in his possession articles of merchandise belonging to other persons, was f sentenced to one year at the Reform school. A postponement was granted until Tuesday morning in the case of Lim Wo Sing, charged with assault and battery on a fellow countryman named Tong Sin.