Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — ORDER IS ISSUED BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT [ARTICLE]
Porto Ricans Mast Snbmii Excuse for Night Prowling. LULL AFTER HOUGH BURGLARY i Officers Inclined to Believe Tbere is a Woman in the Case. Two Arrest* for Petty Thievery Yesterday—Chinese Who Persisted in Navigating Honolulu’s Thoroughfares Without a Light Attached to His Vehicle. Porto Ricans who are found upon the streets of Honolulu during the hours of night, without lawful excuse, will be subjected to a pretty close examination by various members of the police department before thev will be permitted to go about their journeys. This order has become imperative owing to the great number of burglaries and cases of petty thieving which have recently been brought to light. _ i Traced to Porto Ricans. In the majority of instanous iho perpetration of small stealings has been traced directly to the doois of the Porto Ricans, who are daily increasing in numbers in Honolulu. Stringent orders have been issued from the office of the High Sheriff to all men in the police and detective departments that a careful surveillance must be kept on these people until such time as the complaints now ; coming into police headquarters abate. Yesterday brought forth two arrests of Porto Ricans, who were charged with theft. In most- cases the complaints recorded have been of a somewhat trivial nature, and the value of the goods stolen has been slight. Think the Gang is Broken. One fact that has been made ap parent to the *po!if e officials is that, since the arrest of the Porto Rican lad caught and implicated in the bur glary of the Hough premises on Richards street a few evenings ago. few complaints have reached the ears of the officers. Deputy Sheriff Chillingworth is inclined to the opinion that the gang of petty thieves has been broken up siuce the arrest of Claudina. who was found on the Hough grounds with stolen property in his possession. The belief that a woman is connected with the recent jobs, is generally held in police circles. Yesterday’s arrests included the following: Lum Wo Sing, assault
and battery on Offlcer Ab On; Jose j Mirondo and Altima Colon, Tarrancy; | Jose Mirondo. Larceny in the second degree; K-alcba, drank; La! , Tim. stealing bicycle; and Chas Gride, no light.