Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — HACKS RUN OVER CHINAMAN. [ARTICLE]

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Ah Worg Escapes Injury But Bicycle Is Badly Smashed. At about 3 o'clock yesterday afterkxhi a Chinaman by the name of Ah Wong aho works for J B. Castle, was ran over by a hack on Fort street K tween Merchant and Queen. The Chinaman slate* that he was riding •u tus * heel on the right hand sid** cf (be street when a hack turned down Fort street from Merchant street the horse h'tting bis wheel and causing him to fall on the ground, the wheels passing over his hand and his body. While Ah Wong was not badly injured his wheel was knocked Into pretty bad shape. A gentleman who raw the accident gave the number. «€, of the hack to Ah Wong, and It

indicates the driver to be a Japanese by the name of HO remote. Ah Wong did not make any com plaint to the police but hastened , home.