Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — Summary of Foreign News [ARTICLE]
Summary of Foreign News
treport Crook arrived.. at #*mrt Said i* B 2 - w»tuation io Mi U»'S « tUTS tCP ** .^ C ,. n Good Health report* that z « j; • »a?*‘n» tO bfH'OHl p a food UPi U 9 w ' a „ f>»’> n Park Mv.v im at £an ?Ym»cih. o ha* oatgrown u present *tx*r£» r» ■«» i j Ct 1 iii(k rat ?fi*t the Mormons control thir education and the r*s z n n j rhi’d la>K>r arc being arr'aopd in Io»a rr«> King «f Sweden It aaid to be < nimate' of seven d fferent languag-s #n» «f * Inch i* Chinete. The transalpine telephone line, con vrrTicc the gyi-tem* of France and gilj. was op # Jan. 2. Two thousand and forty three acres «f land in Tulware county were sold iMT. Z to Eastern rcpltallsts. nt,. electric railroad to be built aetween Brighton and is to equipped with I ullman cart. <t is ass'-rt<*l that the employes of ft,- government of Venezuela have keen aithout pay for the last siz fiont fii> Camphor eating Is the latest fad • huh fashionable women have adopted a- a means of * b-aring the com plmcfoiL r j. di>ast-r to the British Gar mus a? Z> efnoteln seems to have f»*» n *v* rlielming according to the latest accounts. With the opening of the new year -Tr< number of carriers employed in ifce r.ral free postal delivery service was raised to 630" Oiarb-s Renn- tt Parcells, president ,»? tii* Gr» ■ nwood Company of San franc -*-*v died at his home in Omaha, Jan 4. of heart trouble. lieutenant Tbirme. of the Ninety-*-zrth K* elm* nt killed a student ■amc<l Meld, of Hall** University, in < duel at Jena. Germany. Jan. 4. He* Or Joseph Pullman, presldtic • (• : if th ■ New York East Con Vitso >f the Methodist Episcopal Churd.. *i* J at Stanford. Conn.. Jan. 1 v 'i* armed r* volntionary steamer C.ihc ra*!or. formerly the British > learner Han Kigh. has landed an expedi-.ot u- ar Rareclona. Venezua(a t - ii:m meed that the American » t . mpany utilizing the waters .**( Niagara falls intends increasing its produitive capacity to 105.000 horsepower t«t ording to the r* cent school cen»r«k*n in Kansas that State has actually lest population instead of :t sine** ih • Federal c-nsus • as tni* o 9bcMjm*i.i*l. Va . with a population of only s' ■*oo inhabitants, has two street-rail* ay companies which operate their lines under 4-cent faros with transfers. The dlseov.-ry of artesian watet in many i*ki* in the deserts of S* uthern California is inducing a lively boeiu n the Joeation of tracts «n the desert. in in* r***M* »f from 4 to 12 per rent n the w ages of 45.000 trainmen will * .t.i.-iiDrt* I fn, n by th. P» n:>*>i\ani;i Railroad Company, to ake .iffitts January 1. ■' charitable society in St l.ouis d«»i>*d a K<H>d plan for extennina ting the Belgian hare, by giving every poor pertoa in the city a rabbit for a Christmas dinner. Chari. - McNamee. representing the Vanderbilt family of New Volk
immenced to pay over to depositors of the Metropolitan Bank. Tacoma, which fa i-d on November After many days of leisurely travel, the Chinese imperial party Is near Peking The old Dowager has provi ded that the young Emper r shall ater the city first an ! thm re- -‘ive King Edward has enabled to ..i • at* a new campaign against con sumption, as £MMN (f1,4W.014) has be«n placed at hi* majestiy s dis po.-al for charitable or utilitarian purposes. The total valuation of Utah’s min eral ■* Uput for 19**I, according tothe Tribune, was $19.07".737. divided as f Hows Gold. 13.545.303; silv r. SO.-; •I.'.J'-J * $4 227.551; lead, $3One million dollars is the sum offered by Robert Lebaudy. the French multi millionaire, for the establishment of a French industrial school in connection with the University of Chicago. About I.s*>" partisans of General Riera. a Venezuelan revolutionary leader, are awaiting his arrival near Coro. Venezuela. When Riera arrives it is intended to set the country in a blaze of revolt. Rockefeller’s gifts to the Chicago University aggregate nearly $9,000, rt«io His latest gifts are $1.000.000 to the general endowment fund and $250,000 for the payment of the current expenses of 1901-2. The twenty-fifth semiannual divi dend has been distributed among the profit-sharing operatives of the Roume cotton mils at Tiverton, R. 1., and the directors have voted to keep the plan in force another year. Although nearly 200.000 miles of railroad track are operated in the United States, the work of construction still goes on. During the year just .*nd* .1 5057 mites are estimated by the Railway Age as having been built. Edmund Peck, a retired Methodist < lergyman. aged 80. and his daughter Mary Peck. ag<*d 35. were burned to death. Jan. 4. at Bethany, Conn , in a fire which destroyed their handsome homestead on the Bethany > turnpike. v Syrian speaking twelve languages fluently, a scholar of many attainments and once an agent of the Turkish Government in Cincinnati, has just been pardoned by Governor Nash of Ohio after serving all but three wet ks of a three years’ term for grand larceny. Fire at Omaha, Jan. 4. in the office of the Douglas Printing Company destroyed the property of that concern. the Western Electric Supply Company, the building and contents of the Frontier St* am Laundry Com;%ny and damaged the Karbach ho tel. The total will probably reach si:o.oii>). Because of a wrong signal at the Ninevah tower. Jan 4. the East bound Pennsylvania Mail and Express train. No. 14. ran into a slow freight ahead, five miles west of Johnstown. Pa., and a (w minutes ’at r a westbound freight crashed in‘to the wreck, causing the death of , four persons and the serious injury of at least five others. A bill to provide San Francisco •virh a new Custom house at a cost of s:.see.o(io was passed by the Senate during the last session of Congress, but did not reach a vote in the House awing to adjournment. A* this sessiou a new bill has been introduced by Congressman Kahn in the House which provides for the erection of a $3,000,000 building.