Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooory We M Voo For Voiir Trade Having made large addition* to oar machinery, we art now able to louder Spread*. Sheet*. Pillow Slip*. Napkins and Towel* at tbe rate of 25 cents per DOZEN CASH. k Strictly Up-te-Date and Sanitary Laundry sai}itary stea/ri laundry <?o.. I^td. Ring up MAIN 73. and our wage's? will call for your work QOOOCOOCXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOnrooocOCOCOOOOOOCXiOOOOO California Harness S!^op Fort Street, v/ -1- - ti/JSL* m Opposite Club Stabie*. nfl or ?INOLE DOVBLE DRAY DELIVERY EXPRESS I CARRIaOE REPAIRING JL Specialty D. O. HAMMAN. | Andrew (Jsher 8c Co.’s* ©I*KC 1 At. K ICSEK VE $ SCOTCH WHISKEY * NONE EQUAL ' ? ; W. O. F=EAOOOK A 00.. V SOLE AGENTS. •>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> »>»»>>»»»• ; The Coyne : Furniture Co. Id , I iilr f IS OFFERING SOME - ■ ’ REACT!FI L BEDROOM SETS AT = HOLIDAY PRICES. » It WHITE MAPLE, BIRDSEYE , • , ‘ SHIJ u L , ;p’ • * MAPLE. OAK. MAHOGANY, E 9|b| ■usav,.u ••J - J e ASM. EEM and PINE. 1.-- i£. J| J J The Progress Itlock. FORT STREET • CONDON’S NIGHT PATROL ; aauamxxxn »»»>»> »» mum NEW ARC LAMPS RECEIVE HEARTY ENDORSEMENTS' <44 ***% s s i I The new enclosed type of An letups we are now installing receive the hearty endorsement of all who are now using them Mr. T. Rosenberg, of the Globe Clothing Co says: Y u may say for me that I am highly pleased with these lamps and would have no other. They meet every requirement, are »oft. brilliant and steady, and so far as I can see, are absolutely w.tbout fault. ’ These lamps we will inrtali at a very small cost They wii! K .»e five times the amount of light of the incandescent for the same money. Burn eighty hours with one trimming and give a soft, penetrating, evenly distributed light without fluttering or no:For further information, send ns a postal, or ring up Main and we will be pleased to cail at your office. The Hawaiian Electric Co.. Ltd. Kinjf Street -Xoiii' Alnkea. E. W. QUINN PLUMBER Estimates furnished on First-Class Modem Plumbing. The Patronage of Owners. Archl tecta and Builders Solicited. P. O. Box 1«2. US Union St. Merchant Tailor TWO STORES. No. *4 Hotel, opp. New England BaS ery, and Hotel street, opp. Hoffman Saloon. Suita Made to Order in the I Perfect Fit Guarante Clothing Cleaned. Dyed and R*t