Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
FIRST ARRIVAL OF PORTKiUESE Th<- first vessel to com - to th* Hawaii with Portneu se immigrant- an rhored in the port of Honoln d at the end of 1878. and follow-q by a second on*- in !*79. Tha- was the beginning of the stream of immig-an-.* which has been flowing ever s r.ce, and ha>, given to the island a population of thrifty and industrious citiien». • In 1881 the Portuguese colony was already quite lane, and the most ;n--1 telitge-nt members of it began to think of their future ini*- -.-i-, C~- - ocr erred which demonstrated the need of a provident sockty. especially a - a tim- wh?n tao proporti -n < ; * c ?I<* men wit he « relatives *a- anti rsally large. Sc’evr!*"* Sr: t'y F: j •*£ ;d. < ■ i Sunday in I- •• .t; ft of leading P t .gm.-se au-t in z Mule shack on King street mar Mauaakea. and after a short disus - ; cn of the outlines an i pr.rpo.---- • f toe proposed sccietv. the Lnsitana B- ■ vo'-rit S-* ;■ ty of Haw;* •* -s • and J A Alton.-. e‘ r ?«; its first resident with M A. Gonsa ves as s*e rotary and J A Dias as tr asrrer The society was definitely founded on January 1, 1882. with S members on the rolls They were J, ’i D'afT -r»*r, j a ntal I- J AnJ*nd* : . No -r> ea M. A Gonsalves. M. N tv M ;• S‘;ta J O Franca M r. r-rr J de Fr-:«s. Ade Frc .‘a J. K -. A C. Fernand^r J. G. ie Faria. \ Dias. 1 \. Dias D J G. S vi. J. a Dias M los Santos J. I. da Stiva Within a few weeks a constitution % •' - Y i « Ii NOTRE DAME DE PAIX. CHURCH i-ORTUGUESE WORSHIP. i and by-laws were d a*\u up by a com- i» vet inn ami unfailing n ■ >*-ve-nr emment with a piece or 1.,ml <>n Ala- | mittee. and these have been amend- of some of its members saved it from r-a' stre--t a- a site a home of ded from time t« time. The original early dissolution. their own which was seen erected. i initiation fee- was slo, payable in a<l-vam-e and the monthly dues I' Contends With Difficulties. The l.nsitana Society had to contend with many <!iffi< uitiet Hi the outset Irom various causes. ami onh t..*The very fi:st month* to maw such benefits almost exbau-t* ih*- fa'i's • f ilr- So. ; t . b*-i- g a .oily ij : > • lit <a-e. Ar.-i yet, it was most n ces.-ary that the treasu.y shou! n ways pr“sem a reasonable res icr Today the society is the ia.rgc.st as A - . r rJt -m - > ' :• ■ a. • -r % * M ' r M«2 • J :■ yv> I---.-A' Jii, * HEX i VTHER VALENTIN A True Friend of the 1 ortuguese. HIS LORDSHIP THE Bi 'HOP OF PAXOPOLIS. a: cue of the richest in the Isl- -. h. meml .is are scattered over i ,t> whole group of islands, confining 'h. mrelves to t.ie prosecution or their labors, peacefully assuming. and fear le?-lv discharging their duties of c-iti-"/er.'-hip. anti helping in no mean way the development and progress of the Territory. Of the original founders 20 still iive; Tom that smaT number the society has grown until it has nowover 1000 members on it? roils, and to itc credit the respectable sum of S4fi.Sss.Bo divided as follows * Teal e-tate. $12,233.33; furniture $530; cash in bank $3,171.43: cash loaned $31,051. Since its foundation 90S members nave been assisted in the hour of sickness and want, an! 14 invalids ami two orphans have received benefits. There have been 77 death assessments of which 66 have been paid to the widows of the deceased. fund to encourage new members to loin. , Th< officers met weekly In a littbrcx»m loaned for the purpose by one of the members. Ou»- membe-, a carpenter. Araoa. presented them with a table while empty boxes did duty as chairs. Succeeds by Perseverance. Very soon, however, the society •■gin to gain ground. The men who •vere then at the bead of it were !vX a & \m fhe tesr Wines en J Liquors - I *N HISTORICAL SPOT NEAR thoroughly in earnest and then hard wdSrk and itex.-eve-anee inspire! con-Pdt-nre Th-> number nvmbers and the tunes int-ieased - attadily THE CATHOLIC CKI7RCH. ;-n*cil 18. e. when tue Lu:-itaca was sco'paatd ccder the laws of Hawaii. Saartly after its incorporation, the society wa c pre-ented by the Govdistilled from the choicest yields of field and vineyard, bottled with the utmost care and skill, aid delivered at your door —the finest tonics and invigorarts you can getWHAT SHALL WE SEND YOU? Come in and make a selection; wo guarantee the quality. ROFFSrmiEGER El. ITB. The Pioneer Wine and Liquor House. Xn. 25 King St. near BetheL