Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

IT IS LIKE FINDING MONEY \ r 9 The Extra Comfort Tli<‘ Extra Wear * The all round satisfaction you get from wearing a pair, of those high grade, perfection shoes, is like finding money. When you buy anything, and are satisfied with it. you feel happy. Is everything in the world, you can only get this, from a pair of HAN AN'S high grade shoes. Mclnerny’s Shoe Store. Mc.NTYRE BLOCK. "BETHEL STREET WAT! I <!> AT NO 116 I f It' I i With the tame old sign on the winuow*. and A Brand New Stock 0f...* WALL PAPERS, PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, LINOLEUMS, OIL CLOTH and MATTINGS. INSi you wi II find SPE THE We are handling all * kinds of Plate Glass • * • • ■ • MKECHNIE Paint and Wall Paper CO. PHONE 62 (Any Quality—Any Quantity.) i THE KASH CO.,LTD TODAY iH'comos another yesterday, tomorrow will Itecome another tod av. don't wait for tomorrow hut COME TODAY Ml the above and many more useful gifts are to be had at in> a tew sensible suggestions for Holiday (Hits: Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Smoking Jackets, Bath Rohes, Silk Hose. Underwear, Shirts, Pajamas, Ties. The Hash Co.. Ltd. « TWO STORES—TWO STOCKS. P. O. Bo* 588. TELEPHONES; Main Main 376 23 and 27 Hotel Street and Comer of Fort and Hotel Streets. s i • 1 . >ii»r £ I I! 30 in. Gnagel4lbs. Rails 36 in. Guage 20 lbs. Rails FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES Q TO SUIT. —BY—li. Hadfrld Mo., rx>ocooo<xx>o<>>x>oooo<x>c>oooooc>o<>o<>o<>oooooo<>