Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — SUCCESSFUL CONCERT AT QUEEN EMMA HALL [ARTICLE]
DIFFERENT HATS PEOPLE WEAR. Southern Quartet Makes a Hit With Rag Time Selections—Sacred Concert and Illustrated Sermon Tonight by Rev. Dr. Westervelt. The concert given last night by the Francis Murphy Club was attended by a large audience and proved to be | a very successful one. Mr. Newcomb, the artist, treated the audience to a vivid description of the hats w’ora by the people of the different nations and also of the similarity of the homes they build to the hats they wear. Geo. Booles sang a new song entitled "He Fought for the Cause H»* Thought Was Right." and M. Kckles, of the Southern Quartet, kept | the audience in a prolonged roar with his song “My Chicken." Miss Schnerman played a mandoline solo with much talent and had to respond to an encore. The Southern Quartet took a large part in the entertainment and is responsible for much of the success of, the evening. An evening service and sacred concert will be held tonight at the club rooms in the Queen Emma building, and the Rev. Dr. Westervelt will deliver an illustrated sermon. The club’s orchestra will play during the evening.