Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — TRACK LYING AT OLAA MILL [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


bilo osGinns jmsee glob PEOPLE IN THE RAINY CITY % REVEL IN BERGERS MELODY. Read Beard at North Hilo Faces Tr.uble Occasioned by Recent F'ocds Postmaster Celebrates H s Fiftieth Anniversary—Cane Loader on Exhibition. . HILO. Jan 1" 1902—Track laying in th- n; 11 yard of the Olaa Sugar Co. was finished under the superintendence of W. H. Lambert last Monday Connections with the main hne of the Hilo Railroad and ffflaciag some switches, which had to be made in the car shops, is all that remains to be don Th“ portable tracks for the Puna S ;gar Co. were Lft in San ; Francisco and will arrive here on the Santiago It is possible that the Olaa Company will loan track to the Puna Company so that there will be no long delay in th matter of shipping cane from Puna to Olaa. The wagon toad at 12 miles Olaa. from the Volcano road to the track, is almost finished and work on the depot at Ferndale will begin within a week. Tc Organize Jockey Club. Hooluuht Park will probably pass from the control of the Volcano Stables & Transportation Company into the hands of a Jockey Club nowin process of organization in this city. Two meetings have been held, at which the terms on which the property was to pass, were discussed. The Jockey Club if organized will become the owner of the race track property and become responsible for its management. Two meetings were called for the purpose this week, but not enough interest was taken to warrant making any plans. It is probable that something will be done later and in time for the next race meeting. Band at Hilo. The past week has been a week of musical excess for Hilo. Th° people have drunk deep at Captain B'rg r’s fountain and bidding the g;-n ; al kap pt Imeister and his aggregation of musicians good bye this morning, the parting will be accompanied with keen regret. The dress parade of C- mpanv D. N.G.H . preceded by the full military I band on M nday night, attracted a larg crowd of people along the line , of march and at the .drill grounds. Nearly the full compliment of men app-ared i.t line and they were put through the tactics by Captain Fetter very creditably. Hilo’s basebad team may expect a challenge frem the Maui team to play two games at Wailuku on Washington’s birthday. Repairs foi North Hilo Reads. The Road Board of North Hilo has had troubles of its own since the last big flood which washed oat seven culverts between I>aupahoehoe and Waiakamala. The damage caused tequired plans for temporary repairs and petmanent iinprcvem-nts. Sunday. January 12. will be the i fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of P. stmast r Severance to these Isl ands. The day will be properly rent, inhered in the' Severance home. A Chinese who was convicted of rape in 1899. and sentenced to life imprisonment by Judge Wilder, and whose rasa became one of the famous "transition period” case in Honolulu, will be up for trial before Judge" Little leday. His victim was a little Portuguese girl at l.aupahrehoe. Mr, I Errickson exhibited a cane loader yesterday at noon at Ponoha wai ami Pleasant streets which he claims will gretßly cheapen the process of loading cane in the fields.