Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — COMPROMISE OF THE METCALF VS. NEUMANN [ARTICLE]
BROWN SPBECKELS CONTIS LEO. M dd:ed;tco AgaTst Tc.e-esa W ro* Appealed to ttie Circut S. C- A en Beg c s Sait in Foreeicsure Again** T J. Lyons. Th> case of C.. A, Brown against J. P Spreckels et al. was cqaitinued jin the Supreme Court yesterday morning, the case being closed for plaintiff by Attorney Dillon and Attorney B;c*‘iow following for defendants. The case will be hear! fur- * ther on Monday morning ’ In the case of H D Middlediuh again-t Mrs Th«r .--a Wilcox, in which Judge Dickey gave judgment for $134 5*3, being money ail- g-i to l>due on a piano, an appeal has been taken to th-‘ Circuit Court. S. C. Allen ,ias ! * * n .- .nt in foreclosure against T. J. Lucas and oth- ' ere on account of a note for 54<>00 secured by a morteaee on property on Kinau I’iikoi and Beretania streets. Wing Lo Lime Company, creditors, petition for letter? of administration to Charles Girdler on the estate of Sing Wai. L. Sun M>. i. deceased. . valued at $6OO. Lau Ng petitions that he be ap--1 pointed administrator of the estate of Lan Sun Mee. deceased, valued at $2,600. William J. White has filed a bond in the sum of $5OO as trustee of the Bruns minors, with Christian Conradt as surety. Pele (w) has brought * action to ■ quiet title to certain land at Moana;ua against George Markham. The cases against the Paul Neumann Estate brought by Frank Godfrey and Alice Metcalf, trustees for the children of the late Frank Metl calf, to recover lands situated in Manoa valley, have been settled by a compromise arranged by Attorneys Fitch and Hatch & Silliman. Each 1 side takes half of the lands in question, which are valued at $50,000. _