Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS OFFERED BY DIFFERENT BUSINESS HOUSES [ARTICLE]
The b*-st i> always the cheapest In the “nd. and when a house Is known t.> carry reliable poods, it is best to patronize It See Hoffschlaeger Co. s ad .on pap.- 7. The second great clearance sale of Whitney * Marsh s will commence on Monday This wreck the bargains of fered wil %• In skills and petticoats, some of the latter articles, silk, being marked at exact cost. Don't forget it starts on Monday, • An excellent shipment of Old Blackthorn* Whiskies and Old Crer.torne Bourbon to hand the latter bi ttied especially for us. Both these whiskies are well known and are quick sellers Pnone your order to Main in? J Hartmann k Co.. Waverley black. # Insure In th» Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford against • ients health or 1 if• ■ A C Lovekin. agent for the Hawaiian Islands. 403 Judd building. The fitting up of a n* w house re quires plenty of time, thought and taste, if you are ihinkinc of getting married, call round and see us we an relieve you of a lot of worry H. H Williams Our stock is all new and of numerms varieti's. such as jewelry, eye glass< s precious stones, camphor «i >d b \i> etc The Phong Pat Co.. S 3 King street. The Coyne Furniture Co. has some beaurful bedroom suites on »xhibl non in oak maple, bird's eye maple, mahogany and other woods. Progress block. Fort street. Gct your leather goods from Fred Philip \ Bros Wright building. King street. Gomes A McTighe. wholesale liquor
merchants. Family trade supplied «t reasonable prices. Phone Main 140. To keep your own horse is expensive. this for your benefit if you have not already found it out. therefor* keep it at the Hotel Stables, save useless expense. Jas. Brown, proprietor. You take English breakfast mar malade for breakfast, don t you’ It can be obtained at H. May A Co e. the well known grocers. Fort street. People buy Lewis' celebrated coffee because it is genuine Kona < off»*e. nicely mixed and worth more than thirty cents a pound, though that is what it is sold at. Lewis & Cc Fort street. Our d'splay of flower s*eds tov-r? ■ \ rything that can b* grown in tne Hawaiian Islands cou;- and inspect them The Hollister Drug Co. A good tooth is an endowment for life, one that is decaying and being t ti.. ■. : will worry you. lower your spirits and spoil your breath before it reaches the stage when you must l.a\. it extracted. Have your t»-~th • xamir.-d at the New York Dental Parlors. Elite building. The an’ mobiles are coming now all right, it won't be long before they w ill be mailing up the Pa'i and ha<> The Motor Carriage A- Cycle Co. buiid and "repair automobib s of any k nd Caion street. That she w-as pretty was and-ni-able but despite her face and flgar~ ’ «is her twinkling little feet that aught one's eye, small and so daintily sh in Hunan - shoes \Lln-ray S'i . Store M.lnt're block L> ts for sale cheap out on "be cluck tract Kalthi. the new reside ntia 1 o' ■ ■ town Apply V:v S V C.ulick P O, Bex 415.