Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — OCEANIC COMPANY MAKES LOWER RATES [ARTICLE]
Th*‘ Ooanh Steamship company announced yesterday a reduction of 1 j' t<M not in it- ilfisaw freight rate* bet wen San Fran< isco and Hon- 1 olulii The former rate was J". a ton, net. The cut in freight rates has been made in consequence of the inauguration of a steamer Hue by the Ameri- ■ an Hawaiian Company between Hon-! oltilu Kahului and Saar Francisco.,
Thiit company announced, a i- w nays ago. a net rate of $3.50 a ton i.nd me ()< eanic people have not b«-*-n c k'W in m* eting the competitive rat* The first vessel of the new company Is cln«- to arrive here on January 15. if is the Hyades which is under special charter. She will be put on the local trade run until the two new steamers are ready when the company will inaugurate a regular bi-monthly service. 9