Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — SUGAR REPORT OF WILLET AND GRAY [ARTICLE]

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Special to Th Republican 1 NEW YORK Dee 2$ 15—1.— Online t past wee* '»* declined 3 32c R- fin**?! irregular. N*-t cash tion? tr«- : Muff-ora do*. 3 18c ; fen tnfugal? 2 V* ; Granulate 4.37 4 41c. Receipts. 12 >*s ton? Milling*. -i*--•«vi tons. Total stock In Four Ports, 118 <*M trw. against 134.2”8 last w.-.-k, and M 482 tons last year Beet ?;.zar quotation* f. o. b. Hamburg f,y ,i.d p* • cwt for 88 analysis. Fir- - ms’-ks German Granulated f o. b. Hamburg 8s C**d . equal 4.35 c. Sew York, duty paid. K-t mat'd afloat? to th" United States from Cuba and 13 est Indies. IS.Ofm ton? Java*. 10,000 tons; Ha wail i j in?) tons; Europe, tons I pp' i [(em f rara ike.. 25.600 tons; total 7' *0 toe - again?* 00,000 tors last year. Refined in Light Demand. Spot Foreign Granulated —The demand is light and the supply very mall Fine Austrian. 4 50c. asked. For import Dutch Granulated, prompt shipment. 10* . 10tjd. c. and f. Fine Australian Granulat'd for December shipment. 10s.. c. and f The week’s summary of the statists al position shows stocks in the United State* and Cuba together of 143 I” i tons again-t 15*. '■■■S tons last week and 57.1*82 tons last year, an In rea.-e of »s.*»>>2 tons over last year Stock of the World. Cuba- The j,jj principal ports: R»‘eeipta. 5.000 tons; Exports. 2.2*'H> ton-. Stock. J 5.000 tons, against 3. F,i«i ti.-us last year. 2$ Centrifugals grinding against 35 last year. r- .. (?• . .. *> Mini

T t - . i.Z?. r ~CJ * .r, To*a; -:ock* f Enrope and Am-rica. ‘" i.. i tons against . 177 742 tana ia-t year a - the same uneven dates ... ... ..... of I) c. I. IW. The excegs of sto"k i> oil,-.. tons. ata:r.rt an ex--ss :>f S4B 524 tons iast and a defi<’jen- | v ggg tons December 27th ISW. Rawt are Uraettied. The year close? with very jn?-t--tjed conditions of the raw sugar markets of the world. Prodncers. everywhere have shown no disposition to curtail production, but everywhere further increases of crops are estimated. Th- result of such policy is to piare in sight a vast amonnt of sugar that < annot posMbly be required for consumption We estimat- tnat a*, the < u,se of this campaign. October Ist. 15***2. there will remain unused some 1.8*>0,000 tons in th*- world, or more than three quarters of the amount consumed In the United State? Add to this the fact that large supplies have already depressed prices abroad below cost of production. and the outlook for ’'♦'•J is such as to cause apprehension of disaster to more countries than Cuba. The conditions certainly leave no shadow of hope against Cuban bankruptcy without relief fr m our present Congre?-. Beet sugar in Europe further declined during the week until 6s. B : <d. f, o. b. Hamburg was quoted beiiu; the lowest on record and about the parity of 3.64 r. for Centrifugals. Java sugars of 9*i test in stor- h-re have sold at 3«?<)c. p-r lb . which is barely obtainable at the close for rVntrifiipals