Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
• I 1*1* Contractor and Builder. Jobbing Promptly Attended to Orpheuni Theatre BEGINNING VONDAY. JANUARY 13TH 4 —THE— World’s Entertainers MESSRS. HENRY I-EE and JAMES G. RIAL Take pleasure in presenting their Second Coinpiiny For a short season, en route to Australia. A glance over the list of stars will convince the most indifferent observer that we offer only the very greatest features in the line of European and American , . . VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS . . No where else in this world will you find such an organization of leading features and high salaried performers. The Entertainer's SALERNE THE GREAT. BUNTH and RUDD COMPANY. PROF. POWELL AND COMPANY. ARRAS AND ALICE. ST. ONGE BROTHERS. DELTORELLIS CASINO TRIO. BERT FLATT and ROSE SUTHERLAND. MLLE. ANCION. THE FERRARIS DUO. MISS HOPE HADDEN. MLLE. ILVA DE MONZA and CARL NILSSON S TROUPE. Fresh Flower t i? Seeds Just Arrived. * * AH Varieties REMEMBER—EVERY EVENING. 8 sharp. Reserved Seats—$1.00. Gallery 50c. Buy Only That Which you can enjoy drinking, such as Old Blackthorne Whiskey This whiskey is distilled from selected grain, is warranted pure and unadulterated, is highly recommended for its medicinal properties. purity guaranteed. also , Old Cremome Bourbon Whiskey Bottled especially for J. Hartmann & Co., ltd Wholesale Liquor Merchants. Waverley Block. Bethel Street. PHONE 219. The Hollister Drug Co., L-IIV/IITEO-FORT STREET. The Mew England Bakery Is loaded up with Good Things Have .lust Opened An entirely New Consignment of.... SILK GOODS IN PIECE, SHAWLS, PAJAMAS. HANDKERCHIEFS. CUSHION COVERS. TABLE COVERS. GRASS LINEN EMBROIDERED, CARVED IVORY WARS, SANDAL WOOD BOXES JEWELRY and NOVELTIES. ALL ORIENTAL GOODS OF THE VERY BEST. — | SCOTCH SHORT BREAD CAKES. ALL SIZES. PRICES and STYLES. PIES juft like your Moth to make. Cookies. Macaroons. I,ady Finger , Cream Puffs and all the dainty styl* suitable for Christmas. THE Phong Fal Co., 33 KING STREET. TONS OF PURE CANDY from cb<>ap grade for children a to better grades for 50 cents. W can furnish you a box of delicloi: candle—worth a dollar elsewher —Don’t forget! J. OSWALD LOTTED, PHONE 74. MANAGER. pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc -OOC-' The Pacific Hardware Go,, Ltd. HAVE J’U’ST gflLSO SOME MORE RECEIVED o S A 03aip«ioa.t oi ■; 6 5 & un Stoves and Ranges. AND ANOTHER INVOICE of IT. avorite Keep one at your bedside and throw light on the burglar when he comes for your silverdollarsand wedding presents. Garlands AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL.